We Did It Again! - 5th In a Row LPUD

Yeah, we did it again! 😃 Besides Hive Power, we are trying to build up our LEO "muscles," too! It will help us in our curation efforts, not only to reward the curated articles with HIVE but also in LEO tokens.
(Of course, only when those articles use the tags that connect them with LeoFinance interface.)

LEO PowerUp Day 2023-02-15

However, yesterday we staked a little above 150 LEO.

LEO Stake 150 2023-02-15

It was our 5th in a row LEO PowerUp Day, in which we participated successfully. Unfortunately, we missed the first LPUD in September last year (2022), but we managed to "board" on time for all the rest after it. That also proves this lovely HiveBuzz collection of badges.

Leo PUD - HiveBuzz Badges for 2022

Leo PUD HiveBuzz Badges for January & February 2023

The total amount of our current LEO Power is about 627 LEO. If we continue on the same power-up path by the end of this year (2023), we might reach 2,100 LEO Power (not counting in authors or curation rewards we would collect on the way).

We sincerely hope we can accomplish that goal, as it may open some new possibilities inside our project (as for us, the same for our token holders).

Fingers crossed! 🤞

Vocup Divider1b

To buy a VOCUP token, visit Hive-Engine, Tribaldex or LeoDex exchange.

Please look at our Announcement post to learn more about our project.

Vocup Divider1a

Images Sources:
1st image (Thumbnail): Our own derivative work with image by Alexa from Pixabay
2nd image: Screenshot from our LeoFinance wallet.
3rd image: Screenshot from HiveBuzz.
4th image: Screenshot from HiveBuzz.
Dividers: Our own derivative work with image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

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