SPI weekly earning and holdings Report | Year 05 | Week 45

Welcome to the weekly SPI Report

Each Sunday, @spinvest uploads an earnings and holdings report to keep investors up to date with fund performance and news. You can subscribe to these weekly reports in the comments.

Year 4 SPI Thumbnil.png



SPI is the flagship growth token for the SPinvest fund. Launched in June 2019. SPI tokens act as both a token of ownership and a governance token. Since launch, we've been able to 7x the HIVE value (including revaluations and token split) and 12x the dollar value of the fund.
We are now in our 5th year of operation and still going strong as we stick to our plan of investing the bulk of our holdings into time-served investments and HODL.

Our motto is = Getting Rich Slow

In our expansive portfolio, we are involved in over 30 investments, with a significant portion dedicated to HIVE, BTC, and ETH. We firmly believe in avoiding impulsive actions driven by the fear of missing out or chasing unattainable aspirations. Instead, we rely on tried and tested strategies that have proven to be the most effective and secure.


Our guiding principle is to accumulate wealth steadily, adhering to the philosophy of "Get rich slowly." We employ the power of compounding by consistently reinvesting in sound opportunities to amplify our returns over time.

When considering SPI tokens, it is essential to adopt a long-term perspective, aiming to hold them for a minimum of 3-5 years. Our rationale behind this recommendation lies in the belief that substantial returns require patience and allowing investments to mature organically. By committing to an extended investment horizon, you significantly increase the probability of maximizing your potential gains. This aligns perfectly with our overall investment philosophy and strategy, ensuring sustainable growth and profitability in the long run.



HIVE incomes this week are ok, we seem to hit the bottom with earning around 300 HIVE per week. It's funny to think back 18-24 months ago when tribal tokens were the bulk of our earnings and today I dont even track them.

With the bull market coming, I look forward to seeing what projects and tokens are launched on HIVE. We always see the most innovation during the bull market when prices are high and people are incentivized to create. Fingers crossed someone creates some sort of investment token that is sustainable, yields well and provides liquidity. Oh, the things we dream of...🥰





The overall HP balance increased this, what a glorious week it is! Og course this is only because EDS sold off 50 HIVE worth of EDSM and we got that slight boost but a win is a win. The HP balance increased by 70 HP so it would have increased even without selling 5 EDSM. We're on the right track and our HP is finally starting to turn around.

Our HBD has taken a hit as I invested us into another non-HIVE crypto during this recent dip. We currently have 6000 HBD in the savings wallet with no plans to withdraw anymore. The remaining 1900 is sitting liquid because I feel this correction is not over yet and we might get a change to grab a last-minute bargain.


Nothing in our HE wallet increased this week, about half are the same as last week and the other half have dropped in value a little. The price of Spliterland ALPHA pack tokens have dropped alot. We sold alot of these off at 800+ HIVE and they trade for 105 HIVE today. The same can be said for GMLSPA pack tokens, sadly we've never sold any of these and we're currently down 45%.

I look forward to seeing how gaming will perform over the next 12-18 months. I dont have super high hopes but I dont have any hope. I think our gaming account could increase 4-5x if any 1 game we're invested into half pops off.


I have updated the above table to include our new holdings in BONK and KAVA. BONK is meme token and KAVA is a defi token. KAVA is a decentralized loaning/saving dual blockchain. It uses Cosmos for its fast transactions and Ethereum's developer-friendly environment to create smart contracts. Crypto loans are normally provided by cefi projects and we saw what happened with Celsius and FTX. The rest are swamped with audits and paying legal fees to jump through regulation hoops. KAVA is decentralized and can not rug. It's a little more risky than I normally go, it's just out of the top 100. We've either found a gem that could 10x are it'll be a dud and 2x in the bullrun.

The BTC > HIVE dropped this week as HIVE outperformed BTC. 1 BTC today is worth 167k HIVE.






The price HIVE is the same as it was last week when I completed the report and the rest of our holdings have mostly decreased in value. Both HE wallets and non-HIVE took a dip this week. The result was we lost 2.42% of fund value bring us down to growth of 23.66% YTD. I hope we can maintain over 20% for the next 7 weeks are I will lose my job! We finish the week with a SPI book value of 4.91 HIVE.

DONT forget the SPI Raffle next week

We've over 1000 HIVE in SPinvest Tokens to giveaway including, SPI, EDS, EDSM and XV tokens. We're also giving away SPI march packs and top prize is a Ledger Nano cold wallet. See full details here

Have you got your tickets yet?
Send 2 HIVE per ticket to @spi-contests, no memo required


Links to all projects under SPinvest

Token NameMain AccountLink to hive-engine
SPI token@spinvestSPI
LBI token@lbi-tokenLBI
Top XV token@spinvestXV
Eddie Earners@eddie-earnerEDS
EDS mini miners@eddie-earnerEDSM
EDS micro miners@eddie-earnerEDSMM
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@ericburgoyne, @mikezillo, @shanibeer, @oldmans, @roger5120, @lilolns19, @riandeuk

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