My mother says I am detached from reality - hers or mine?


That is my courtyard & barns.

What I listen to all day is birds, what I see all day is wildlife. Hares, deer and all manner of wild animals, all of which I share my food with.

Yes mother. I am detached from your reality!.

My mom is in the TV group think club. Anything it says is real.

Here is my TV, well actually at the farm where I am now, I do not have one, so I have nobody to tell me how to think!


I have 2 apartments in town. All modcons. both make me miserable as sin.

Living in town is like group think again. Masks rons, stupidity,. TV rules the lives.

At the farm I have the most basic amenities like a toilet outside. No shower inside, but somehow all the hard work to even keep it warm makes me happy.

Listening to the birds, deer and animals makes me happy.

I have changed very little in the farm since I got here 7 years ago. Including most of the furniture. It was owned by people in their 80's and I just dig it the way it is.

Do I need all new stuff to keep me happy? No.

Do I need gas? NO.

What do I need then?

A connection with nature.

Why are we here? I think and it is only my humble (loud) opinion to experience everything around us.

Let me take you for a tour of the land if I may.


That above is my side garden.

And this is another garden or bit of my land.

That is hole number 2 of my golf course :-)


My back garden is here.


Come on over to my other side garden.


Then we take a trip next to ye old farmhouse where I stash a lot of motorbikes.


I even get water out of the ground here :-)


Disconnected from reality? Maybe, but whose reality is it?

My mother still trusts banks that give her zero interest. She still banks with the negative yield (w) bankers.

I invest in land. Classic motorbikes. Gold and silver (physical not paper)

She walks around in a mask talking about R numbers because someone on the TV said so. She tells me the stats of her being dead from a government PSYOP. I do feel sorry for her living in fear. I have tried my best to awaken her. Nothing more I can do.

So I shall stay here, on the farm. Alone for now.

Looking at my friends the deer, Cats, hares, birds and any other that come along. They sing songs so beautiful. It stops me in my tracks.

So tell me now. Who is sane, my mother? Or me?

Be kind. Joking, I have no fragile ego!.


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