Dream, boy, dream Song by Roberto Vecchioni

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From the stage of the Ariston Theater: 74 th edition of the Sanremo Italian Song Festival: Dream, boy, dream Song by Roberto Vecchioni-fourth night "cover"- Roberto Vecchioni and Rapper Alfa

One text, one poem......
this is the translation of the text including the last part created by Rapper Alpha

And they will tell you words red as blood
Black as the night
But isn't it true, boy
That reason is always with the strongest
I know poets
Who move rivers with thought
And endless sailors
Who can speak to the sky
Close your eyes, boy
And believe only what you see inside
Clench your fists, boy
Don't let them win for a moment
Cover up the love, boy
But don't hide it under the cloak
Sometimes someone passes by
Sometimes there's someone to see it
Dream, boy, dream
When the wind rises
In the ways of the heart
When a man lives
By his words
Or lives no more
Dream, boy, dream
Don't leave him alone against this world
Don't let him go dream all the way
Do it yourself
Dream, boy, dream
When the wind falls but it's not over
When a man dies for the same life
That you dreamed
Dream, boy, dream
Don't change a verse in your song
Don't let a train stop at the station
Don't you stop
Let them say that in the world
The likes of you will always lose
Because you've already won, I swear
And they can't do anything more to you
Run your hand now and then
On a woman's face, run your fingers over it
No kingdom is greater
Than this little thing that is life
And life is so strong
That it crosses walls to be seen
Life is so true
That it seems impossible to have to leave it
Life is so big
That when you are about to die
You will plant an olive tree
Still convinced you'll see it bloom
Dream, boy, dream
When she turns around
When she doesn't come back
When the one step
That stopped the heart
You no longer feel it
Dream, boy, dream
The days will pass
Love will pass
The nights will pass
The pain will end
It will always be you
Dream, boy, dream
Little boy
In my memory
So many times so many
Inside this story
I no longer count you
Dream, boy, dream
I left you a paper
On the desk
Only one verse is missing
To that poem
You can finish it

(final written by)
Rapper Alfa:
I want to write it down, erase it and rewrite it

Tear out pages and use invisible ink

So I can hide it and leave no trace

I don't know if it will be poetry or just waste paper

After all I'm 20 years old but you know what I feel?

I have my whole life ahead of me and yet I'm wasting time

Some people run because they run then some run because they chase

I run because it's only what makes me feel good

I climb above this stage to play with life

But what if my breath breaks, what if my pencil breaks?

The lower the starting point, the higher the climb

But I hope the view, it's worth all this effort

I don't know what love is, but sometimes I feel it

In a sunset a look a drive

And if I look around, I think I'm lucky

I don't know who created the world but I know he was in love."

Disclaimer: This video was posted on youtube by raiplay.it the multimedia platform of Rai, which holds the rights to it

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