🎉Sheesha Finance Comes to Polygon Network🎉 | **🎉Sheesha Finance 上线 Polygon网络🎉**


🎉Sheesha Finance Comes to Polygon Network🎉

We are excited to announce that our friends at Sheesha Finance will be offering MSHEESHA tokens during an Initial Dex Offering (IDO) in the coming months and Sheesha Finance have GUARANTEED our AUTHENTIUM Community an allocation at Seed or Private Price at first instance. It is extremely rare for community members to get in at Seed stage let alone Private!

They have 5 DAYS REMAINING until SEED closes. Private will be available thereafter for a limited period.

They are currently raising privately within several rounds as follows where any investor can partake (no min or max caps):

🌱Seed round: Open to investors from today, October 12th to October 26th, at a 50% discount.

🤫Private Round: Launching on October 27th to November 10th at a 30% discount.

🤩Strategic Round: Running from November 11th to November 25th offering at a 15% discount.

✨To continue Sheesha Finance's vision of launching world-class projects that they believe can deliver long-term performance and bring more opportunities to our community, they have partnered with TDeFi for incubating and launching the next-generation of DeFi projects within the Polygon ecosystem under their Sheesha Foundry Program .🚀

💁‍♂️Participants will be able to stake their MSHEESHA tokens on Polygon Network soon!

Sheesha Finance is the leading decentralized DeFi mutual fund allowing for premium cryptocurrency portfolio diversification and rewards. Sheesha Finance rewards investors of any size, from small to large ticket holders, with unlimited DeFi tokens from a diversified portfolio of projects. Sheesha Finance’s easily convertible assets can be freely utilized to maximize rewards and gain exposure to existing and upcoming DeFi projects at pre-launch prices!

Why pay Pubic Price when you can get FREE project tokens at SEED PRICE by staking SHEESHA?!?

With plans to become a member-managed Decentralised Autonomous Organization (DAO), Sheesha Finance is dedicated to upholding full transparency and integrity within the DeFi space.

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🎉Sheesha Finance 上线 Polygon网络🎉

我们很高兴地宣布,我们在 Sheesha Finance 的朋友将在未来几个月的初始去中心化发行 (IDO) 期间发行 MSHEESHA 代币,并且 Sheesha Finance 已保证我们的 AUTHENTIUM 社区能在第一时间以种子轮或私募价格得到配额。社区成员能够参与种子轮是极其罕见的,更不用说私募了!

种子轮还有2天就结束了。 随后私募将持续一段时间。


🌱种子轮: 在 10月12日到 10月26日期间开放给投资者参与,50%折扣。

🤫私募轮: 在 10月27日到 11月10日期间展开,30%折扣。

🤩战略轮: 在 11月11日到 11月25日期间进行,15%折扣。

✨为了延续 Sheesha Finance 推出他们相信可以提供长期表现并为我们的社区带来更多机会的世界一流项目的愿景,他们正与 TDeFi 合作,在 Sheesha Foundry Program 下的 Polygon 生态系统内孵化和启动下一代 DeFi 项目。🚀

💁‍♂️参与者很快就能在 Polygon Network 上质押他们的 MSHEESHA 代币!

Sheesha Finance 是领先的去中心化 DeFi 共同基金,可实现优质的加密货币投资组合多样化和奖励。 Sheesha Finance 从多元化的项目组合中以无限的 DeFi 代币奖励任何规模的投资者,包括从小到大的所有持有者。 Sheesha Finance 的易于转换的资产可供自由使用以最大化回报,并让用户以发行前的价格接入各种现有和即将推出的 DeFi 项目!

您可以通过质押 SHEESHA种子轮的价格获得 免费的项目代币,为何要支付公募轮的价格买入?!?

Sheesha Finance 计划成为由成员管理的去中心化自治组织 (DAO),致力于在 DeFi 领域内维护完全的透明度和完整性。



投资 pre-SAFT 表格:👇

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Sook Jin GOH,
Authentium Chinese Community Manager,
Director at Nanyang Global Scientific Research Centre


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