Angry School Boy image on Meme

Greywarden > The source of this image's creation is

Thanks to @Memehive for providing the tools for me to source these Memes through the google images link in his response..

It would be quite helpful to teach people in the Community how to properly source memes so they won't get strikes in their accounts. I am embarrassed to say that i had no clue you can source them like this by using this effective tool.

Please let me know of more effective strategies in posting Memes along with comments.. I am no professional. But i am surely willing to learn from the Community.

I am beginning to understand why the emphasis on Hive to source things and to blog rather than just micro transactions like twitter. Considering that more people have such a short lived concentration span these days. Hive is effectively contributing in making individuals smarter. We are now enhancing our concentration span in Social Media, and our abilites to express ourselves thanks to these rules.

I just recently thought about these things, and have concluded that it is for our own good as individuals in this Community. Decentralization and Monetizations are contributing factors in drawing people into Hive. The Hive Community should make it their responsibility to teach individuals how to do things the correct way here. That would prevent individuals from getting on the Watchers bad side.


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