Onboarding People To Crypto Starts With Us

Photo by Thirdman: Pexels

What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when somebody mentions cryptocurrency?




Too much tech for me.

There are so many barriers to adoption, and most of those barriers come from a lack of understanding and education. There have been plenty of scams and high profile hacks. None of it changes the fact that crypto can and does change lives.

How can it change lives if we’re not out there trying to bring people in, and teaching them to use it?

Over the years I have always gone out of my way to help bring people into crypto in a bunch of different ways.

  • Helping people set up a wallet.
  • Giving away free crypto.
  • Helping people set up an exchange account.
  • Sending free NFTs.
  • Explaining the nuts and bolts of it.

Most people I’ve met just think about the money. What I want to do is help you to think about the possibilities, because it isn’t just about the money.

Put the currency back in crypto

Making crypto just another investment misses the point. I mean, that’s one angle, and it’s not bad or wrong, it just isn’t what crypto was supposed to be about.

The whole point was to be a trustless, decentralized, P2P digital currency, a way for people to exchange value anywhere in the world without an intermediary. It was a way to give a bit of financial freedom and self-sovereignty to the unbanked and to anyone who wanted to buy, sell, and transact straightforwardly without having to ask permission.

I’m a crypto Johnny Appleseed, spreading little digital apple seeds around because I love it, and because there isn’t much more I can do.

Like the Parable of the Sower in the Bible, you cast the seeds out onto the earth and some fall on good and fertile ground and some don’t. Whether they grow or not is up to the person I onboard or spread my knowledge to. I don’t hold on. I cast the seeds out and let go.

Sometimes it clicks and they have a lightbulb moment. When somebody realizes that yes, they can send $1000 to someone in Vietnam in minutes with almost no fee, no bank, and no paperwork it clicks and there’s a Eureka moment. Most of the time I never know whether or not they do anything with the knowledge I spread, but that’s on them, not me.

You don’t have to ask permission.

You need a wallet and some crypto and the person you’re sending it to needs a wallet. Wallets are so easy to get these days. It doesn’t matter if you’re in Antarctica and they are in Outer Mongolia, it all works the same.

  • Money can be sent from anywhere, to anyone, in a few minutes max.

  • No banks needed.

  • No clearinghouses.

  • Holidays and business days are irrelevant.

When people see it firsthand, from experience, their eyes light up. “Aha, this is it, THIS is why Bitcoin is so special.” It’s a beautiful thing.

By taking the time to meet people where they are and showing them how easy it is to use you’re sowing the seeds of adoption. You’re giving people a taste of things.

Alright, enough waxing poetic here, what are some things you can do to start onboarding people to crypto “IRL” as we say in internet slang?

Onboarding made easy

I’m someone who learns by doing, so I try to bring that to my approach to teaching crypto.

Your friend is curious? Show them how to set up a wallet and back up their private keys. Then, as a bonus, send them a few dollars worth of crypto.

I still like Coinomi as a simple wallet for your phone and has many different coins.

I’ve done this many times. It’s a good way to get people to get their hands dirty.

Start buying and selling in crypto

Everybody and their grandmother have sold something on Craigslist, OfferUp, or Facebook Market, right? Why not give the option for people to pay you in crypto?

I’ve done it many times, and yes, I’ve gotten offers in crypto.

If you’re the buyer then ask the seller if they are willing to take cryptocurrency.
Offer services for your skills in crypto. If anything it’s a good conversation starter.
Start a crypto meetup in your area.
That’s how adoption from the bottom up happens. It’s the definition of grassroots.

Start being a crypto ambassador
People don’t use crypto because they don’t understand it. They’re afraid of it. If you’re reading this and you’re a crypto native why don’t you start doing something to help others?

If we want real adoption we have to start educating people in our circle. Do it IRL, wherever you find yourself.

I still live by the old cliche of “think globally, act locally.”

Start treating crypto as trustless, Decentralized, P2P digital money and spread the word. If you’re a crypto native and you’re not doing these things you’re part of the problem.

If you need help with any of this crypto stuff hit me up on X. I’ve never scammed anyone and have no interest in being a bad ambassador for the cause of making crypto accessible to all. I’ll do what I can to help you.

Until next time…

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