Consistency as society’s biggest liability

I don’t know about you, but I’m scared at how the attention span of the average consumer will be of around 5 seconds in around 5 years.

Ok, maybe that didn’t sound so eloquent and clear, but you gotta give me credit, after all English is just my 17th language and some times I ramble nonsense and spew whatever crap I can think of.

My point is simple: The current generation of kids between 3 and 17 years old grew up or are growing with social media’s toxic instant gratification schemes. These methods are predatory, and even the cost of being called a looney consultant theorist, I’d say this is part of a psyop to demoralize the parents - a generation that is already demoralized and defeated by 40 years of third wave feminism and 10 years of critical race theory and affirmative action - and desensitize the children.

These kids have an attention span that rivals that of my quails.

Right now I can’t even begin to teach the basics of chess to my 4 year old niece, and she even gets very limited cellphone time and a very restricted website access. Of course I’ve always advice my sister in law to stop allowing her daughter to roam online freely, and that she should sacrifice her own leisure time to push her daughter towards learning how to have fun without having to look at a screen.

Social media and screens in general affect the way a kid’s brain develops. No wonder why teenagers nowadays are more worried about being inclusive instead of focusing on their development issues and how toxic their personalities are. The parents are as or even more fucked up than their little goblins.

Dude, what the hell, I wanted to write a long as fuck post with tons of topics I’ve been working on my notebook but my eyes are literally closing against my will.

I will continue this post tomorrow morning, I promise.

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