how to play, the knew weigh

Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and you cannot get back to sleep. Your body seems ready for the quest of a knew day, yet your brain is in the dark and thinking fuzzy thoughts. The fuzzy logic of computer mathematics is know help at all, so how do you weigh your coming day?


You peek out from under the covers and find a grand illusion. There is another there out there and you can get there by taking a leap of faith. Believe in yourself and hold certain the insights that you have. Each of us is important, all of us are required. The game of life has no fear of death, only a dread fear of millionaire acres.


To start, the game is Existence. You get born as a solo human, and slowly accommodate into the world. You identify parents, brothers and sisters. This family stays around for a while, almost 20 years. You get indoctrinated into the way that is, by learning common vocabulary, concepts of thought and general useful engagement items. Who you learn from is highly important, learning is a lifetime adventure.


The knew weigh game is a whole new way of looking at life. We question everything, from the perspective that our knowledge base has some integral falsehood in the underpinning lines of thought. We use cryptofiction to reinterpret history and to explore other potential pathways that are not elucidated by common knowledge. We ask, what if?

Come play. 10 am eastern time, a little over an hour away.


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