​​LendsBay and ModulTrade join forces in a financing and social rating JV

ModulTrade, who completed a successful Token distribution in Q1 2018, and LendsBay, who is conducting a pre-ICO in July 2018, have agreed to collaborate. Both parties will work together to develop a solution for P2P financing for individuals and small to medium sized enterprises (SME), who are executing cross-border trading.

Individuals/SME performance and rating can be used as part of social rating and blockchain based credit history developed by LendsBay. In addition, availability of P2P financing of cross-border transactions can help stimulate volume and grow cross-border trading. We are looking forward to growing together!

ModulTrade is a smart-contract blockchain-based ecosystem where MSMEs can meet, commit and execute trade globally, easily, trustfully and efficiently. ModulTrade ecosystem already includes MT Wallet — one of the most efficient instrument for dealing with crypto, and MT Market — marketplace where users can efficiently trade globally and safely.

LendsBay is a lending ecosystem where people can give each other loans, the history of which is stored in a blockchain, and the risk that they will not be repaid is assessed through social and bank scoring. This solution makes it possible to borrow money very quickly and easily — concluding an agreement in accordance with the laws of a particular country if necessary — to look for investors or borrowers from your own social circles or just to keep track of your debts.IMG_20180708_081011_352.jpg

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