Lemon balm tea straight from the garden!

What is Lemon Balm?

The green leaves of lemon balm have the scent of lemon with a hint of mint, with leaves that look like oversized mint—no surprise, since lemon balm is part of the mint family. Lemon balm can grow 24 to 36 inches tall and makes a nice green clump of medium-textured leaves among the other herbs and flowers in your garden. Plan to use lots of it fresh leaves to brew tea, flavor fruit or green salad, and season fish. Dry the leaves for winter use. You can also use them in a tincture. To use for later. Or put them in your bouquets of summer flowers.

Lemon balm tea has been used since the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep. Lemon balm is good for relieving colds, flus and fevers and an anti-viral agent has been found that combats mumps, cold sores and other viruses.

~Fill your jar/pitcher about half full with fresh picked (and washed) lemon balm – leaves & stems.

~Fill your jar/pitcher with boiling water Steeping for 20 minutes, or for an entire day!

~You can add Honey last, you want to keep all the raw enzymes in your honey. Or use an alternative for that sweetness

In Oregon we are pretty lucky with a plentiful bounty of Lemon Balm. Be careful where you plant it, it will take over. So Drink up!!

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