Politicians Muddle SQ788

You've heard that saying, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

This was penned by a Nazi propagandist. The Reefer Madness campaign created in the '30s by the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, Henry Anslinger, created a massive lie and media campaign to persuade people that marijuana was evil and deadly despite studies proving the contrary.

As SQ788 draws closer to a vote on June 26th, the opposition is surfacing with its share of false statements and outright lies.

Former Oklahoma Assistant District Attorney and current gubernatorial candidate, Gary Richardson, recently appeared on KOCO News 5 and shared some misinformation regarding SQ788 - Medical Marijuana bill. Based on his statements in this video, it is apparent that Mr. Richardson doesn't fully understand the bill as he claims.

He says he wants a doctor to have access to whatever will help the medical conditions of his patients (SQ788 allows doctors the legal authority to do exactly that which they currently do not have). He says, (50 secs into the video) “You don't even have to have a medical condition to a get a two-year script. You can go in for a mosquito bite and get a two-year script."

This is false.

You do indeed need a medical reason/condition for a doctor's recommendation to obtain a medical marijuana card and doctors need the legal protection to do so. SQ788 does not list qualifying conditions and perhaps that is one reason why Mr. Richardson is giving false information. There are legitimate reasons why qualifying conditions are omitted in SQ788 but that is not the same as excluding the requirement for a medical condition. This point is being twisted.

There are some who are using their platform to intentionally spread misinformation about SQ788 but the ill-informed can do just as much damage. It’s imperative that we speak up, out, and create a dialogue with those who are being misled, whether deliberately or intentionally.

Please reach out to these organizations for information, education, and speaking engagements.

Yes On SQ788

Oklahomans for Cannabis Facebook

Drug Policy Reform Network of Oklahoma

Vote 'Yes' on June 26th. Last day to register to be able to vote on SQ788 is June 1st.

SQ788 FAQs:

All applications for a medical license must be signed by an Oklahoma Board certified physician.

There are no qualifying conditions. A medical marijuana license must be recommended according to the accepted standards a reasonable and prudent physician would follow when recommending or approving any medication. No physician may be unduly stigmatized or harassed for signing a medical marijuana license application.



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