Legend Córdoba Veracruz México !!!

Legend of the mulatto from Cordoba

Talk about the people who lived in that time, in the then town of Cordova, Veracruz.
The exact date is not known. A woman very famous for her beauty and for her youth seemed to have stopped in time. Nobody knows his origin and everyone called him "mulata" because of his mixture of black and Spanish blood, and he was very proud and said that no man resisted him and he made potions of love and healed evils.
Accused by these facts the tribunal of the inquisición I judge it. And imprisoned her in San Juan de Ulúa, where she suffered the worst torments.

The people knew that she would die at the stake and nothing could be done for her, and the mulatta asked for a piece of gis from the jailer, as if it were her last wish, and on the dark walls I painted a well-detailed ship with candles unfolded. Suddenly he jumped and climbed onto the ship, the candles began to move with the wind, the guard was frightened while the mulatto said goodbye and went free on the white foam of the sea.

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