Do you need a lawyer?


Let me tell you right up front that your lawyer's first loyalty is to the bar association that lets him/her practice.
The Bar Association doesn't care about you, you don't pay dues.

This is one of the things that you probably never consider in your evaluation of your how the system is serving you.

Likely you just go through your day and never consider if the 'just us' system is serving your needs valiantly, or corruptly.

You don't come into contact with them, what do you care?
Lock 'em up, throw away the key, right?

Look around, is that system lowering crime, or do we have more crime than ever?

You know what stops crime, an armed citizenry stops crimes.
Vigilante neighbors stop crime.

And people that learn to proceed without lawyers in court stop crime.

You do not need a lawyer, you need legal knowledge.

Take the quiz?


This referral link is to a course that, once you finish it, you will be soooo mad at how easy it is to be a lawyer that you will need to hide your car keys from yourself just to be sure you don't go downtown and look for one in a crosswalk.

Seriously, if you knew how simple the forms are to adequately represent yourself in court, you will be upset.
I know I was.

I will never use a lawyer, again.
Once you got your forms made up, you just change dates and times.

With a little practice you will never pay another speeding ticket.
But, let's save that for the advanced course.

The course is $250, but I get like $35, so it has that going for it.
$250 is not a lot to spend on a lawyer.
This course is comprehensive.
It covers nearly everything you will encounter in court.
It gives you templates of what you will need to file to get the court to rule in your favor.

I was impressed with it's depth of instruction.
I hope you are, too.
Get it now!

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