An email I sent to the attorney the Judge appointed to take my answers and questions in my ongoing battle with a nitwit a dimwit and a criminal...

Mr. Decker,

We accept your silence as consent.

Your continued silence will be considered your continued consent.

We are unaware of any court dates outside May 16th or something? Is that correct? You remember I told the court. I am just a Man, I am just a Disabled Veteran old man who takes medications that effect my memory. I am a peaceful man and am not a criminal nor a threat to anyone that is not trying to harm me or steal my property. And then the Judge kept notes for me? I have them but they say answer 5 days prior but has no date? Answers 10 days prior, but again, no date. Prior to what? Jury Trial I am ready, I gave you my witnesses I wanted, I gave jury instructions and Jury questions and evidence. I know then you wanted to eliminate some evidence I had that showed your former client was a lying drug manufacturer that threatened people with snow plows and refused payments, but after you took on the judge’s recommendation to take my answers so I did not violate that VIOLATION OF LAW AND MORALITY called a restraining order and now you cannot work for them and stop my evidence. You are my Answer Man, all the court gave me and all you apparently wanted, you did not object once.

We accept your consent to be our reply person, as consent and will respond accordingly. We have told you in previous emails that we objected to this manner of answering and that we believed it was unlawful and we told you where and whom we were going to file complaints with. I believe I even gave you the cover sheet and the way I do it letter that accompanies my federal claims. Also the Postmaster General has spoken with me and I have written to the Minnesota Supreme Court about the Ethics and legality of the actions of you, judge Hennesey, Judge Knapp and others that may come up. No, I do not hold the first judge who signed the order that is unlawful accountable. The lies in it were awful, they have to be for your Immediate Eviction Notice to even hope to work (it has already been defeated with Retaliation Claim), and that original Judge told the April 4th Judge to modify it in any way it needed to be. The court record and recordings of the hearing will prove that I brought up the issue and as stated, EX Parte contact with you and the Judge came up with a silly change of use the claimants attorney by email and you did NOT Object???????? I stated on the record that I believed that Order was wrong and unneeded and that it barred me from my home, the post office, my mail, the public roads and any response to the court on the complaint would be a violation of the Order causing me arrest if I answered the charges. The Judge decided USE MR. DECKER… (HERE WE ARE NOW) I have been forced out of Stearns County until my other claims are served and this criminal offense of an Order and false claims may be answered by a Jury. This puts you in a very unenviable position Mr. Decker, I wonder if you see it. You appeared so arrogant and so cocky from the moment we met and scoffed at Rights and Law and the UCC and PAID RECEIPTS. You lied about having a Signed Current Lease with both Dawn and I having copies and the Manager. Yup I do not envy you Sir. No matter where you turn now you lose badly and jail is in several of those doors now. I know you are the “Trained Attorney” but may I suggest you stand up and tell the court the TRUTH? The Truth Sir will set you free! The truth is your whole complaint was a lie on the original unlawful detainer. The truth is your clients have been refusing rent for months and months, against the law. Now they may have thought there was a missing payment and there may have been no bad will or intention to start but the MINUTE I HANDED YOU DECEMBER RENT PAYMENT RECEIPT, THAT MINUTE YOU SIR SHOULD HAVE TOLD THE COURT. WE DISMISS ALL CLAIMS AGIANST DAWN AND CURT AND WILL ACCEPT THE CHECK THEY ARE OFFERING US RIGHT NOW AS FULL PAYMENT. AND, AND THE PARK WILL PAY DAWN’S MEDICAL BILLS IMMEDIATELY, GET DAWN AND CURT THEIR HOME’S DEED IMMEDIATELY AND WILL NEVER AGAIN THREATEN TO STEAL THEIR PROPERTY… That sir right there is what an Honorable and Godly Man would have done with a shitty situation. I being an Honorable and Godly man would have accepted your tendered fix and admitted mistakes as mistakes, claiming now after you have seen the receipt that somehow it does not count, yeah I know the type.

We must then assume your silence on your conflict of interest is over for your other former clients as I informed you that there was now a conflict and told you what I needed as a remedy, since no answer or objection has been made and LEGAL WORK PRODUCT has been made between us without objection and in Fact by your accepting that from the judge in court hearing and you have not responded once in objection or in consent which can only be construed as consent. Anyone with a brain gets an email that aint for them or there is a problem they would RESPOND IMMEDIATELY with some kind of STOP MESSAGE or OBJECTION or possibly THIS AINT FOR ME message. You are, according to your bio online a skilled and knowledgeable attorney of Family Law (Never heard of it) Business Law (Called Commerce) and something else I forget. Certainly an attorney would respond with a stop letter or a cease and desist letter to the Man he told the Judge he would take answers and information for the court about? Have you filed my answers? Does the court know I am out of county and barred from entering it by Court Order? Well if they do not it will just be more claims against you for malpractice and misrepresentation and more proof of your conspiracy to steal a disabled veterans property.

We still object to being forced by a Judge to use you instead of the Rules of Procedure, US Mail and all other guaranteed remedies, but you accepted and the Judge Ordered it and we will abide it until the federal court or Minnesota Supremes step in and stop you and Hennesey and Stearns.

Dawn tells me that the electricity is off but only to the major things like heat and hot water and stove and some outlets not in phase. Xcel Energy is investigating the matter and they have all agreed that the problem is the Park’s. I believe sabotage was involved by that crazy madman Mr. Newman, who screams at young ladies in the park, but I have to wait and see what Xcel energy says. He Park is old and shitty infrastructure as the Park Owners refuse to repair anything. So as of Sunday evening until such time as the electric is restored we will be keeping our hotel receipts and asking for reimbursement.

As I informed the court and you back then, the unlawful restraining order bars me from free use of the public roads, my mail, my home and now makes me answer through you with Judge Hennesey’s changes to that unlawful order.

I am unreachable until such time as I am informed by the Minnesota Supreme Court, the federal court or service to Dawn, after electric is restored and she can return home, that I am free to return home, use the roadways, mail and other such things a Free Man shall not be barred from without Due Process. I make claim now and your silence will confirm it, I have committed no crime, I am accused of committing no crime, I do not owe any Rent Payments to RV Horizons or Sartell MHP (switching Corp names) and that I have been barred by threat of arrest if I return home, use the US Postal Service or receive mail In Care OF 166 Hi Vue Drive., I also understand that all answers to these matters must be emailed to Mr. Decker per the Judges Order, I object as stated above but will abide. I also understand that under these conditions, which I brought up to the Judge when I asked her to remove the Restraining Order, which you two had EX PARTE contact about and plotted, that any court dates and such are suspended until such time as Curt is not threatened with arrest if he travels, uses public roadways, returns home, gets his US Mail etc. Curt DOES OBJECT to holding any hearings on the phone or online. I have a Jury Trial Right and I have a Jury trial scheduled. Mr. Decker and Judge Hennesey along with Mr. Newman have conspired to stop that jury trial and to cause the arrest of Curt if he enters Stearns County or gets his US Mail. A Man with a brain seeing that he is being railroaded by corrupt individuals with no honor, leaves their reach until such time as honorable courts are brought in.

***You may use this email how you think is lawful to use as my Answer Man. I have given it so that I can now print it and use it with my complaints against the Park, Mr. Newman, you, your firm, Judge Knapp and Judge Hennesey and Stearns County so far. Also as Notice to you that I am obeying the Order, as ordered to, and am outside the Stearns County am not receiving US Mail and I am not traveling on the Public Roadways and I have not gone near Mr. Newman or his property. (Never threatened to or had any intention too, I don’t waste my time with Piss Ants who think they are bull dogs)

Want a secret Mr. Decker? You lied to the court in your first complaint, your second one and I assume whatever else you said was coming in the hallway in court. STOP LYING!!! Seriously Aaron you are digging a hole that will only make everything worse. Act honorably and truthfully and you may be surprised how well it serves you. Let me lay it out for you so I can post this to my law groups to learn from this whole thing (I told you I would make you famous).

March 19th, 2018 we go to court on your clients claim. The claim contained three items and three items only.

  1. A current valid lease was signed by everyone and listed rent in the amount of 406$ a month.
  2. That rent for December 2017 had not been paid by Curt or Dawn. (*The Park had a Right to refuse the other payments it had returned because it was not the full amount owed because it did not contain December’s rent. )(Returned, un-cashed January and February rent checks to Dawn at her workplace while she was working Google: Debt Protections Act
  3. That Paul Newman(Spelling) was the Park Manager and Only Registered Agent to accept or deny payments and was listed clearly in the office (which is never open) and that Mr. Newman and Curt had communicated.

C’mon Mr. Decker don’t be shy, everyone already knows the answer, which of those if any is true?

Judge Knapp for Stearns County MINNESOTA on March 19th, 2018 set it out for Jury Trial. Well Mr. Decker if your client’s claims were true would not an unlawful detainer be about 3 minutes of pay them what you owe or get out? Why did the Judge set it out for Jury trial?

Curt and Dawn’s answer to the claim you made was what? There is NO CURRENT LEASE, (Strike One), Here is a receipt for December’s Rent payment in full, (Strike Two) and Curt has never seen Mr. Newman in his life or spoken to him, but he did leave many messages asking him to come talk to him. (Strike Three) and unbelievably 3 claims 4 lies December Rent Receipt was signed by Mary, not THE ONLY AGENT TO ACCEPT OR REFUSE PAYMENT as claimed. (Strike 4???).

The Uniform Commercial Code which allows them to refuse a partial payment also has a section that says this:

(a) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument, the effect of tender is governed by principles of law applicable to tender of payment under a simple contract.

(b) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument and the tender is refused, there is discharge, to the extent of the amount of the tender, of the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse with respect to the obligation to which the tender relates.

(c) If tender of payment of an amount due on an instrument is made to a person entitled to enforce the instrument, the obligation of the obligor to pay interest after the due date on the amount tendered is discharged. If presentment is required with respect to an instrument and the obligor is able and ready to pay on the due date at every place of payment stated in the instrument, the obligor is deemed to have made tender of payment on the due date to the person entitled to enforce the instrument.

(b) says that if payment was made and refused the debt of that payment amount is discharged.

This was the beginning of Mr. Decker’s ego and arrogance taking over. Instead of saying, OH WOW OK My claim is wrong my clients lied to me Curt is offering payment of an amount that is owed I should take it. Instead Mr. Decker said he refused payment and wanted all he claimed owed in the claim (remember December was PROVEN PAID but Mr. Decker is demanding a second December rent payment now) and also the payments they refused and returned. The next hearing was worse but that is online already, readers can catch the next part when the Postmaster general comes or the Minnesota Supreme Court or the federal court for Minnesota State. I do not believe Mr. Decker will respond to this email, thereby consenting, again, by his silence which is clearly indicated in the email.

If any part of my email is untrue, what? Object, speak up say something Mr. Decker.

Curt-Allen: Sigler
Minnesota State National
with Prejudice UCC 1-308

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