" The Power Of One Great Mind " Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov

In a cold day of November 10, 1919, on a farm of Altai Krai, region of Russia, a
mother of sixteen children gave birth to a son. The parents Aleksandra Kalashnikova
and Timofey Aleksandrovich Kalashnikov, both are peasants working on a farm. They
raise their children on a wide green lawn during the Russian Civil War. Now, they have
to take care one another addition to the large family. They gave a Russian name to the
child and it was Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov. But little did they know, that their
son's name will be remembered by the world for a very exceeding way they may never
think of.
Mikhail Kalashnikov grew up as a brilliant student, and he always dreamed to be a
poet. He wrote his poems to have an extraordinary impact on readers during the bloody
wars that surrounded them. Later they were deported to Tomsk Oblast in Siberia and
continued their lives there as farmers and hunters to survive. After finishing seventh
grade, Mikhail went back to his birth place to find job. He was assigned as tank
mechanic and later became part of the Red Army. After a German attack during World
War II he was left wounded. While in a hospital he wrote; " A soldier in the bed beside
me asked: 'Why do our soldiers have only one rifle for two or three of our men, when the
Germans have automatics?' So I designed one". That design later known to be AK-47,
initial for Automatic by Kalashnikov manufactured in 1947. Today that weapon is the
weapon of choice for many armies, militias, armed gangs, law enforcement officials,
rebels, terrorists and syndicates across five continents around the globe. Making
Kalashnikov as one of the most decorated Generals in Russian History. Estimated to
have a production of 50-70 million it is considered to be the world's favorite killing machine. image
The widespread of that rifle has resulted in such deadly weapons being used to
massacre, maim, rape and abuse, torture, and fuel violent crimes in so many countries
including the genocide in Rwanda, ending the lives of nearly two million people. When
asked if he was bothered by the bloodshed caused by his invention on a local newspaper,
he was quoted saying; "This is a weapon of defense. It is not a weapon for offense.
People often asked me: "How do you sleep at night knowing that the rifle that you
invented has killed so many people?" I have this to say to them: "I sleep well. Let
politicians who start wars sleep badly. The designer is not to blame." He also once
spoked that the Germans motivated him to be a gun designer. That answer may be
convincing to many, but it will remain as an answer, not a solution to the woe and
misery of the world fired by his invention. It is like reasoning that after you had baked a
toxic cake still, the distributors and retailers are the one to be held responsible for the
death of consumers.
The life of Mikhail Kalashnikov unveils a horrifying reality of how the Power of one
mind, can completely change the pace of so many people. He let his profession, the love
for his country and the motivation of becoming a great man empowered his life. Without
considering that someday his attitude and decisions will create a great effect on other
lives. He was not born great, he was not born with a silver spoon, but he was born to be
a man that has his own life. With that life, he grew up dreaming a better life for his
family but end up giving the worst life for the society. It seems that this realization pop
up into his mind during the 60th anniversary of his company Kalashnikov in July 2007.
He told reporters that he wanted to create something different saying; "If World War II
hadn't taken place, I probably would have constructed a machine to ease farmers' hard
work." Again he pointed his fingers to a different direction, rather to himself. He was on
the front of a mirror but still sees the reflection of other individuals because he chose to
see that different perspective. He was hiding the face he wanted to keep for himself
alone. On December 23, 2013, General Kalashnikov, died after being hospitalized for
two months due to gastric hemorrhage. He rested and just like so many geniuses, he
didn't manage to control his own end nor invented something to stop his death. For the
world, he left a legacy to be remembered forever, but for him he was just an another
prisoner waiting for his death sentence.
Last October 2017, Kalashnikov Concern, -70 years after the late general invented
the popular assault rifle- released their new product, a motorcycle. Created by their
subsidiary company, IZH Moto. General Kalashnikov, always spoke about creating
something different. That if not because of wars that already surrounding them even
before he was born, his Life Story would be different from what we know today. That if
he was not happened to be born during World Wars, he might still be the child who once
dreamed of becoming a poet. He might be the first inventor to ease the hard works of
fellow farmers. Sadly, he forgot how he came to the world and became the person he
never dreamed of. The person he created with his invention and the final result of his
own making. The story of how the power one mind, changed the world finally ended.
It is almost completely black, weighs 500 kilograms and makes with his disguise, the heavy Radkoffern and the huge exhaust pipe a threatening impression. It is also strong, 150 bhp accelerate the two-wheeled beast in 3.5 seconds from 0 to 100 - the Kalashnikov bike is a real bullet. Production is scheduled to start in 2019 and the motorcycle will be available in free trade. the manufacturer announced "that the production model will differ only slightly from the prototype". For the price he did not give any information .

It is easy to say that these people have done something very bad. But try to put yourself in these people who were themselves born in the war and also injured. So you get a different picture of many things. think for yourself and do not accept others' thoughts. Always try to make your own picture. Do not allow prejudice. A legacy does not always have to be good. It can also be something bad. But we have to keep in mind what man is capable of leaving behind .

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