Happy February 15th ~ The Day AFTER Valentines Day ~ Historic Valentine Cards ~ Vol. II ~ "Keep the Love Flowing" ~ Original Photography of Old Cards and Short To Semi-medium Discussion ~

Happy Day-After Valentines Day - To All Of You Out There On Steemit.

Yesterday I put out a post of old Valentines Day cards or everyone to peruse and enjoy. I still have several more in the box to display, so thought I would add them today.

YES, I realize Valentines Day is over. But I figure, why not share the Love for one more day. After all, the wonderful people that make up the world can use as much good feeling as they can get these days.

So, WITH further ado, here are some more cards from 'yesterday' from the box of old cards from my friend at work a few years back. Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I do putting them out.

This little cherub is the beginning of the more or less interactive cards in this set. A simple little book to peer into when you get the card. The colors on these are still truly amazing, after all these years. Top-shelf ink in the olden days I guess.

Oooh, she DOES Love me...the book says so.

Some Of The Quirkier Cards Of The Bunch ~ But Still Fun

The little munchkin baby with the swim-cap on is wandering around in the woods, and soon finds a stump with a heart inside. It appears as though the heart is held by the stick fingers of some woodland elf or goblin creature. First thought: "Stay away, munchkin baby, stay away".

As you push down on the 'lever' on the left side of the card, a cute little squirrel shows up, moving the heart to the left in the stump. So clever!

Pull the lever up the other way, and cute squirrel number 2 moves the heart back to the right. Amazing that all the card mechanical's work so well after all these years. And a nice, Happy Valentines Day in the end for munchkin baby in the woods.

This shows the back of the Baby card. Think this was rather high-tech, for the days of 'way back when'. This probably was an expensive card, since it was very mechanical, and given to Betty by her Grandma and Robert. There is also a fold-out tab, to display the card on your desk or table-top.

This larger card is also interactive. The kids are pumping away on the handle...what will happen?

Well, good question. Some sort of pumpkin-colored thing opens up. Not sure, maybe it was red a long time ago, and had a heart or something else 'Valentine-ish' on the top. But I think it is complete, and is supposed to be a pump-head full of 'Heart Water'. Any other ideas out there? Whatever is up, this card is once again, rather high-tech for the day. And still works as intended.

This card looks a bit crazy at first. The horse reminds me of the one Ichabod Crane rode, and has obviously been running a long long time. He looks a bit knackered. And the boy is rushing forward to profess great Love by brandishing a very pointy sword in his hand.

But he soon makes up for his questionable taste in romantic moves. Wiggle his hat back and forth, and he gets googly-eyed for his New Love. The eyes go back and forth, forth and back. We call this an old fashioned, mechanical gif. Flip from image below to above really fast, and see for yourself. "Ooohh, aaaah".

I'm REALLY not sure about this guy. He's supposed to be a golfer or something, judging by the looks of the handle in his hand. But the ears...I'm straddling the fence about this one. Maybe this was a character from a cartoon long ago. Hard to say. Either way, it would take a woman of serious humor to appreciate this card, when you plopped it down on the tray during breakfast-in-bed on the 14th.

This card folds out as a vertical card, with an image front and back. Rather lovely. And the "centrist-piece" for this and yesterday's Valentine's post.

What the previous card said on the inside. At first this poem seems sweet..."I'm not the greatest poet, but will cross my heart and die for you"...

...but looking more closely, he is at the Recruiting Station. Maybe it is just me, but this seems a bit, different. My guess is that the recruiting station makes his pledge to die for you all that much more believable. Sort of a patriotic pledge of allegiance of Love and Devotion.

Pretty sure this card is from 1935 or before, a time of rather major pacifism in the US, and several years away from the start of WW II. So probably not based in a war drive or pro-recruitment for the army, or that sort of thing. So I'll stick to the pledge of devotion and love. Any other ideas out there?

Well, thanks so much for checking out this post and the Cards of Yesteryear. Hope you enjoyed more of these Valentine's Day memories as much as I enjoyed putting them out.

Have a Happy Day-After Valentine's Day

Thanks for stopping in and viewing the second day of old cards of Love on Valentine's Day. If you have any thoughts about the interactive nature of the old cards, the odd-duck view in some of them, more Love spreading about a day after the BIG day, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd LOVE to hear from you.

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Posted: 02/15/2018 @ 13:30

P1050887-1 48kb no name.jpg

Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 35

DONE Valentines Day 2018 Grasshopper Mountain Lion.PNG

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