Left4Dead: Call of The Dino's in No Mercy :P

Watch these feisty Dino's face off against the zombie apocalypse in our latest online vs. match in the No Mercy campaign! We got the opposing team good right off the start of the match as they exited the building, where 2 of them got stuck in spit as they were pushed back by a horde of zombies. We kept a pretty good lead throughout the entire match. But the teams were just about tied by the time we reached the Roof Top Finale, and for a moment we almost thought the opposing team was going to win. A close match indeed.


Its too bad there's no Jurassic Park themed maps to go along with these awesome Dino mods, its something I'd really love to see happen, and am honestly surprised it hasn't. I may try and find some time moving forward to start learning the map making process and give it a try myself.

The player Venom2002 is from Gamers Bay's official team, and we brought on 2 new players for the match. Next week we're planning to do some quick survival matches, and probably some single player campaigns with custom maps we've yet to cover.

This video was supposed to go up on DTube, but I've been unable to get any videos to upload the last few days :(

Check out more of our Left4Dead content on Gamers Bay's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT06RVKUhcWJ1S97GdShLyQ

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