grass benefits

hello steemit friend ,, tonight I want to share some benefits of seaweed to all friends

*. Vitamin K
Seaweed is a great source of vitamin K, a fat-soluble nutrient. Vitamin K communicates with platelets, which are the types of cells that make up blood clots. When starting to develop an injury, vitamin K will help send chemical signals that tell platelets to collect and form blood clots, so the body can stop blood flow to the wound. Some types of seaweed can help to achieve recommendations of daily vitamin K intake of 90 micrograms for women or 120 for men. 1 portion of seaweed is loaded with calcium more than the benefits of broccoli and almost the same as protein in beans

*. Natural Fiber
Alginate is a natural fiber found in some types of seaweed that can help digestion and reduce fat absorption. A study led by scientist Dr Iain Brownlee and Professor Jeff Pearson at Newcastle University found that eating seaweed, will reduce fat digestion by more than 75%. Fiber also helps the body feel full faster and prevent overeating. These findings suggest that adding seaweed to the diet can help to lose weight and unhealthy cholesterol levels in the blood.

*. Omega 3 Fatty Acids
The human body needs healthy fats as part of a balanced diet. Seaweed provides healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids. The Dr. Oz Show site notes that a piece of nautical seaweed contains the same amount of omega 3 fatty acids. This type of fat will help raise healthy HDL cholesterol levels, while lowering dangerous LDL cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids also help reduce inflammation in the body

** are some of the benefits of seaweed and many benefits **

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