Lebanese food restaurant

Hi friends,

Yesterday I went with my wife to a Lebanese restaurant to celebrate her birthday. It was a great restaurant and the food was incredible. One of the things that caught my attention was the lamp that was decorating the place among with the curtains and wall paper / material etc.

Here is a picture of the lamp I hope you like it.


It is pretty and looks very old. I believe they brought it from the middle east. I love the colors and the material that is made from looks pretty cool not sure what kind of metal is it.

The manager/owner was very kind and he explained every meal condiments and ingredients to us. He was also helping some other people in the table next to us and one guy started to talk in Arabic I believe and they had a long and pleasant talk. He was also telling us how his family immigrated to Costa Rica and how they brought many things and ideas to start over in this country.

I really enjoyed our dinner and I believe it was a special one to celebrate her birthday. I hope she liked it as much as I did.

Thanks for reading.

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