The only one in the whole world ...

This capacious Carry-all entirely Handcrafted, Hand-tooled & Hand-painted with all of my favourite things. I made it for a Laptop. I live in South Africa (Jy weet mos!) The laptop was purloined one moonlit night, at knifepoint. This was a life lesson I do not care to repeat!


This was the first really big bag I ever made and using it, I discovered its many flaws, so ... I set about righting the wrongs! I made a leafy covering for the front pocket, so that one's treasures aren't lost to the four winds.


I lined the front flap with creamy pigskin suede and hand-stitched all the way around, finishing it nicely. The first picture shows the original Capacious Carry-all but once we get further down in the pictures you can see the improvements. I went on holiday for a whole month recently, in the fairest Cape. I took this bag as my handbag. I got so many compliments and standing, bedecked with my craft, in this real Hippy shop in Kalk Bay, one lovely Lady said 'so if you get one of these bags, you will be the only one in the WHOLE WORLD to have one!! That is sooo cool!' That gave me food for thought, so I make Handbags that are the only one ever to be made in that ilk!


Why is the picture tiny? However, you can see I have stitched all the way around the front flap and I have also made a new, and improved handgrip. The first one was somewhat puny!

The first three weeks in Cape Town, it rained, and rained and rained! I sat by the fire and mended my aura. We tried two dashes into potential shops, peddling my wares, and there were many ooh's and aah's but seems money is tight everywhere, presently. I got business cards, I had lovely photo's taken where Jade modeled for me, which I await, somewhat impatiently. I went to Noordhoek, to the Farm Village, it was much the same after a ten year hiatus.

I left Cape Town, ten years ago. My! how it has grown in places. I spent real quality time with my two girls and their respective loves. It was special and mended my heart. Then the sun shone down most gloriously and I was chafeurred around so kindly, with many wonderful spoils. I carried this bag, oh my sweet Aunt Petunia ... people this is for a laptop, not a Handbag, it is too heavy and one becomes a clumsy galoot in small spaces and knocks shit off!! So if anyone would care for a laptop bag, that is the only one of it's kind in the world, give me a shout on one of my links, private message me and I will reply!


This is the back view of the Bag. Inside are two compartments, made with suede. to hold the laptop safe and allow you to store the chargers etc, whilst protecting the Laptop. The front pouch can carry your personal things, phone, makeup and other treasures. Also there is a place to put pens & pencils!

While in the Cape, I went to an Art Exhibition at the Ruth Prowse School of Art, and hung with the cool kids, smoking roll-ups! My favourite art piece was called 'apostrophe', it was a pen and ink drawing of people all in an apostrophe shape, very cool! And Silver's piece so whimsical <3


Here is the proof that I actually was in Cape Town, with said Capacious Carry-all & Sam. I stayed in the Northern Suburb of Milnerton, or Sandrift as my phone kept telling me. For nineteen years, I was a Southern Suburbs gal, friends were like 'shock!! horror! when they heard where I was. I was in a very pretty, entirely walled in garden, complete with electric fence. I looked after two awesome dogs, Blue Roan Spaniels. Penny was old and blind, I have to admit I favoured her because of her infirmity. Boris, who became 'Van Riebeck', was oh so naughty, he even peed on my pillow on the bed. We did develop a bond in a month and I do miss them since I got home.

There was a narcissistic sparrow who spent three days admiring himself in the mirror in the corner of the garden, I honestly thought he would hurt himself, so frantic he was, to get to his love! Hairy caterpillars by the hundreds, sitting on the succulents like decorations on a Christmas tree! Willie, the Garden/House knight vanquished them. I think there will still be myriad of butterflies in this garden come Spring!!


Peace & Love & Blessed be, thank you and I hope you enjoy my meandering tales ... herstory!

This is a link to my work on Pinterest.
This is on Facebook: - my best post so far on Steemit.

#leatherwork, #leathercraft #leatherart



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