Learning Korean? Let's learn together.

안녕하세요 (Hello) was the first word I learned in Korean and today I want to share with you some sites, apps and extension that have helped me to improve and they might be useful for you too, if Korean is among the languages you are learning too.

  1. In First place TTMIK( talktomeinkorean) You will never think that learning Korean is hard after using this site, not only the explanations are clear and easy, moreover the site has tons of sources you can use, wonderful phrases, videos, pronunciation and more. This is a 10/10.

  2. Korean for a Smart Keyboard It is a wonderful app, I mean "we are learning Korean here let's type in Korean". This keyboard is not only great because it comes with a Korean auto corrector( believe me that it is important) But comes with an English dictionary 9/10.

  3. DramaFever : There isn't better way to learn a new language than listening to native speakers, you can't find Korean friends, why not try watching some Korean shows or tv programs? This will help you with it's culture and listening( be aware that some dramas will not be close to Korean reality) 8/10

  4. Lang-8: A great place, to meet, chat with and read native speakers. (N/A)

  5. Hello Lingo : A great community to make new friends and language interchange partners in any language, born from Sharedtalk. People here are really friendly and are always willing to help. (9/10)

  6. Ihaessi: A Chrome extension that provides you a Korean text dictionary. By clicking or highlighting a word. (7/10)

  1. Korean.go: Alphabet and pronunciation (N/A)

  2. Korean IME: Practice Typing. (4/10) The site should have more features and many a manual, and it's a little confusing, but it's OK if you just want to get used to type.

As I am still learning and discovering new resources so this list will be updated later on. The reason why am I studying Korean will be explained in another post.
So far I can express myself In Korean and write simple sentences.
Korean writing system isn't that hard and it might take from 1 to 7 seven days to master how to read, and write as an adult.( For my self experience and other people around me.)

To be continued...

If you have any other site app or extension please leave it on a comment.
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