Cody's Catalogue of Parable, Paradox, and Philosophy Part 1

"A Leader leads the army from the front, and is the first to strike the enemy,
Whereas a Ruler sends orders from the back, allowing others to die so that the enemy cannot strike them"

"When you can do what you do not want to because you know it is right, or not do something that you want to do because it is wrong, that is power, that is wisdom."

"What was right to do yesterday, can become wickedness tomorrow, and what is good today might be considered foolish to our children"

"Everything is possible for the one who knows they can do anything possible, and nothing is possible for they that know they can not do anything."

"To Teach properly, one must explain "Yes" & "No", if they are not both explained then light cannot see the darkness, and darkness can not comprehend the light"

"Why to be, begs the question why not to be"

"A holy kiss is one which anoints the third eye, both hands holding a bowing head, and a kiss on the forehead with gladness and love."

"if you have never given a holy kiss and washed the feet of your enemies, then you have never known purity and goodness."

"The prophets job is to resist the state, and to die by the state"

"Slaves do not simply become free by decree, they must be taught freedom and the value of resistance to the orders of rulers"

"what seems good can become a snare tomorrow, what seems expedient can hold back progress tomorrow"

"though technology is good, it can be corrupted just as a leader can be tempted to rule, or a pond can be easily polluted."

"Love and Hate are both filled with passion, while apathy is the absence of passion.

"Niceness is apathy mixed with annoyance, and kindness can be cruel."

"The truth can kill the one who knows it, and ignorance brings security until crisis"

"Total entropy is order, and matter is chaotic."

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