Thieves and Pirates from Our Life

I'm wondering sometimes what is going on? Why are the results not the same with my expectations?

Therefore, I took a list with the common daily pirates and I think they are also valid to you (although of course everyone is unique are):

• interruptions
• poor personal organization
• poor planning
• lack of focus
• lack of motivation
• doing work that isn’t yours
• procrastinating
• meetings
• the absence of others
• perfectionism
• not knowing what to do
• having unclear objectives

So, let’s take each one of these in turn and examine them in greater detail.

Number 1interruptions
These could be from internal or external sources and two of the most common interruptions are telephones and people dropping by.

Number 2poor personal organization
Ask yourself, which side of this image looks like your desk? Is it cluttered, or organized?

Clearly, the more organized you are, with good processes for dealing with items coming in and going out, the more effective and efficient you will be.

Number 3poor planning
Oh, SMART or SMARTERS, where are you?
Achievable or attainable
Realistic or relevant
Evaluate, ethical or extending
Re-evaluate or rewarding

Number 4a lack of focus or motivation
Do you see a task through to completion or enjoy starting something and then get distracted by something else? Having multiple short tasks on the go decreases focus and efficiency.

Number 5doing work that isn’t yours
Clearly, there will always be time when you will do tasks that are not strictly within your remit. The issue comes when you have no room for manoeuvre within the day and you are unable to say “no”.
How to say ‘no’ and indeed ‘yes’?

Number 6this is the big one...procrastination!
Procrastinating or putting something off is such a big deal and it negatively impacts on your whole day.

Number 7meetings
Love them or hate them meetings are a notorious time stealer... or not :)

Number 8the absence of others
If you work closely with others and there is no policy for dealing with absence then you may end up having your daily schedule annihilated.

Number 9perfectionism
Do you find yourself getting caught up in the minutiae of a task? If so, you may be suffering from perfectionism and this approach can also be seen in procrastination as it is a way of putting off doing something else. If the task you spend too long on is one that you like doing it can be really easy to convince yourself that an excessive length of time is necessary and justified.

Number 10Not knowing what to do
Do you have the skill and ability to do a job? If not can you share the workload, or set up a coaching and mentoring program with colleagues to help each other out? If you share your skills and experience you will all become more effective.

Number 11having unclear objectives
Not knowing what to do means you don’t know if you are doing things correctly or when you have reached the end of your objective.

Let's catch the pirates!


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