Useful learning strategies aside from rehearsal and repeating information

Useful learning strategies aside from rehearsal and repeating information

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Learning Strategies

  • Underlining
  • Summarizing
  • Elaboration
  • Questioning
  • Note taking
  • Organization


One helpful rehearsal technique is underlining, which enhances learning if utilized prudently. At the point when a lot of material is underlined, underlining loses its adequacy in light of the fact that less critical material is underlined alongside more imperative thoughts. Underlined material ought to speak to points most significant to learning objectives.


Summarizing is another prevalent rehearsal methodology. In summaries, students put into their own particular words the principle thoughts communicated in the text. Likewise with underlining, summarizing loses its adequacy on the off chance that it incorporates excessively data. Restricting the length of students' summaries drives them to recognize primary thoughts.

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A second class of learning methodologies is elaboration, which implies utilizing symbolism, mnemonics, questioning, and note taking to extend data by adding a comment learning more significant. Symbolism delivers a psychological picture, which frequently is more significant than a verbal depiction. Mnemonics make data important by relating it to what one knows.

Acronyms consolidate the first letters of the material to be recalled into a significant word. Sentence mnemonics utilize the first letters of the material to be learned as the first letters of words in a sentence. The technique for loci is a memory aide in which learners envision a well-known scene, for example, a room in their house, after which they take a psychological stroll around the room and stop at each unmistakable question.

Each new thing to be educated is combined rationally with one question in the room. Accepting that the room contains a lamp, a table, and a TV, and that Linda must purchase butter, apples, and milk, at a market, she may first envision butter on the table, a milky colored lamp, and apples on top of the TV. To review the staple rundown, she rationally follows the way around the room and reviews the fitting item at each stop.


Questioning requires that learners stop intermittently as they read text and make inquiries. To address higher order learning results, learners may ask how does this data identify with what the creator talked about in the first area or in what manner would this be able to thought be connected in a school setting.

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Note Taking

Amid note taking learners develop significant summarizes of the most vital thoughts. While taking notes, students may coordinate new textual material with other data in actually significant ways. To be successful, notes must not reflect verbatim textual data. Replicating material is a type of rehearsal and may enhance review, however it isn't elaboration. The plan of note taking is to coordinate and apply data.


Another learning procedure is organizing. Two valuable organizing systems are outlining and mapping. Outlining requires that learners set up headings. One approach to instruct outlining is to utilize a text with headings set off from the text or in the margins, alongside implanted headings scattered all through the text.

Another route is to have students recognize topic sentences and points that identify with each sentence. Essentially advising students to outline an entry does not encourage learning if students don't comprehend the method.

Mapping enhances learners' attention to text structure since it includes recognizing vital thoughts and their interrelationship. Ideas or thoughts are distinguished, sorted, and identified with each other. A map is thoughtfully likened to a propositional network, since mapping includes making a progressive system, with principle thoughts or superordinate ideas recorded at the top, trailed by supporting points, cases, and subordinate ideas.

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