Learn Art with Me - Basic Watercolor Materials

Hello friends, this is my second video in the Learn Art with Me series; a semi-comprehensive series for those who want to learn some art. The first set of videos are all going to be the absolute most basic information you will need to know when starting out with watercolor.

The videos will build off of one another - as I continue the series, and incorporate actual art pieces that you can follow along with, I will be able to reference these foundational videos in case you have any question about materials, etc.

Ultimately, I just hope that this series will be a good place for steemians to go who are interested in learning some traditional art.

The most important advice from the video is that if you are starting out in watercolor you really have to start with quality materials; not artists' grade (expensive), but at least student grade(middle road). The quality of the paper, brushes, and paint make a BIG difference!

Brief overview of the video:

The Paper

  • Make Sure to use actual watercolor paper (140 lbs)

The Brushes

  • You only need two good watercolor brushes to get started - student grade.
    Windsor and Newton - Cotman - Size 12 round is a good utility brush

And one Flat Wash brush:

The Paint

  • Do NOT use super cheap watercolor paints like what is pictured below; you will never be able to get a smooth wash, the finished product will look splotchy.

  • In order to ensure you are practicing your techniques properly to come to a smooth looking watercolor finish without splotches you need to use student grade paint, like Windsor and Newton Cotman brand:


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