The Trait of a True Leader

What defines a true leader?

What exactly is it about a person that allows them to receive that title.

How many good deeds does one need to perform.

Which medal do they need to wear around their neck. How many basketball shots in a row do they need to make.

Honestly, it’s none of those things.

To me... a true leader is defined by one main trait... Integrity.

Integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is watching. It is a central personality trait of a true leader.

That man or woman is the same person on stage as they are behind the scenes. When they give their word, they keep it.

When someone operates in this mode, it’s hard not to be attracted to their energy.

They are the type of people that you want to form a strong friendship with. You may even be inclined to do business with them.

Do you know anyone like this in your life? I hope you do.



I also hope that we as a collective group of Steemians are striving towards living with integrity.

May we be a community that is built upon a strong, moral foundation so that outsiders would be attracted to our energy.

It is important to take the charge and set the standard for other social networks to follow.

We need to allow soon-to-be Steem users to have a positive, full-featured experience here on this platform.

Let’s do the right thing even when we are alone because our character will play out in our daily interactions.

True leaders say one thing and then do what they say.

Drop a comment below with the trait you think is most important to see in a true leader.

Never quit and always believe




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