I will never forget those people that show their kindness to me and one of them is @paradise-found. I’ve just known him for a couple of months and yet feels like it was years ago. It is not only me who had experienced his philanthropy, there are several of us that witnessed his love for humanity. Helping without asking for anything in return runs throughout his blood.

I would like to take this opportunity to show my simple appreciation for his goodness and maybe I can also take this moment to speak on behalf of those who had savor his virtuousness. To our Papa Bear, thank you very much for the endless concern that you are giving to all of us. Your sincere deeds will always live forever and you will always have a special place in our hearts.


P-utting himself in the last priority for the welfare of others
A-rtistic and full of creative ideas to share that can inspire us.
R-eady to accept our flaws and weaknesses no matter what is it.
A-lways there to share with us the waves of laughter and tears.
D-ealing with hard situations as if it is just a rain that will stop soon.
I-nfluencing his comrades to do their best and look for improvements.
S-eeing the inner beauty and believing that we all have the potentials.
E-xceptionally honest in giving his pieces of advice to help us grow.

He is willing to offer a true friendship to everybody regardless of nationality.
The leadership that he has is something that a leader should have.
Making sure that his Gratefulvibes family lives harmoniously and happily.
One of the main reasons why we love and trust him, he is never cold as ice.
He speaks straight from the soul that makes his words be remembered.

I don’t have many friends because I am not a type of woman who looks for quantity. I’d rather have few who are true and can be trusted. When I entered Steemit, I never thought that finding a genuine friend is possible. Someone that I can count on either in good and bad times. I am blessed to have the chance of meeting this man and starts a friendship with him.

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