Know about new digital library LBRY and get access to their beta application

LBRY is a digital library and you can find & distribute digital content such as videos, music, ebooks. LBRY is implemented on top of blockchain technology and Digital content distributors can earn LBRY coins.

How does it work?
Below examples will give you an idea.(Extracted from official website)

Do you watch YouTube? Imagine paying a few cents to eliminate all ads. 100% of the payment will go directly to the content creator – and they’ll still be earning more than YouTube offers, so they’ll want to make even more of the content you love.

Do you use BitTorrent? Imagine getting paid to seed files into the network. Because there is a marketplace for these files, you can finally find rare songs and films that can’t support a torrent swarm based on popularity alone.

Do you shop on the iTunes Store? Imagine paying less for songs, TV episodes, and music videos and having 100% of the price go directly to the creators.

Currently LBRY is in initial beta stage and now you can join their network, Be part of one of their early access members.
you can join by clicking below referral link.

ps: i will get referral bonus of 10 LBRY if you join using above link.

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