Law of Attraction

I surmise most of them know about Law of Attraction(LOA) by now which was kept secret many years ago.

One thing is for sure. It works!! The foremost thing is knowing what we want in our life. This is true. There are many people who don't know what they want in their life. 

I have read many books on LOA, and they all say the same thing. "Whatever we focus on our life, we attract to us."

The Secret is one of the most popular books/movie on this topic.

For those who are new to Law of Attraction, here are few steps in applying it

1)Be clear about what do you want:

This is the first step in getting what we desire. We must know what we want.

2)Believe in the unseen:

Once we know what we want, we have to believe like a child that we will get it for sure.

3)Consider it done:

When we believe, it is important to act as if our desires are fulfilled. As Richard bard said " To bring anything into your life , imagine it's already there".

4)Feel good:

Likes attract Likes. What you give is what you get. It is important to feel good to get good.

5)Practice Gratitude:

Find at least five things each day that you are grateful for. When you have food to eat, clothes to wear and a house to live you are more grateful than so many people on earth. As the book Secret says,"When we are grateful we will attract more good things in our life."

6)Thoughts become things:

Thoughts dominate our life experiences. Having good thoughts is important. It is said that thoughts can be measured. Every thought has a frequency associated with it. When we have negative thoughts, we can counter attack by thinking positive thoughts which are more powerful than negative thoughts.

And the best part is, We don't have to know or think about HOW are we going to get what we want. Our Universe takes care of everything !!

I have personally applied LOA in my life, and it worked wonders!! In the future posts, I will write more about LOA.

Consciousness creates reality. There is a Universal or Infinite consciousness which is connected to our consciousness.

Everything in this universe in Energy. As Nicole Tesla says “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Do you all believe in LOA?

Please leave your comments below. Thank you for reading my article.

Image Source: WikiHow and Linkedln

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