Weekly Psychic Forecast - 6th - 12th December

Your Psychic Predictions for the Week Ahead

Although this week may feel dark and foreboding, the message comes through strongly from the angels that all is well and that the light is available for you to tap into, to bathe yourself in the heavenly rays any time you need or want to.

Sometimes we must experience darkness in our lives, and it has its place, even if we don't enjoy our more difficult experiences or tougher lessons. They all serve a higher purpose, even if we don't fully understand them during this lifetime.

We are also reminded that our intention and vision is what creates our reality, and that we are potent manifestors when we set our minds to it! The energy is actually powerfully supportive of new creation this week, so it's crucial to keep your eyes on the prize, focus on the outcomes you want and the happy future you wish to create, and not fall into the trap of catastrophising or expecting the worst.

Try to keep your thoughts and intentions pure and clear, and remind yourself often of what you wish to achieve, do, be and have. If it helps, write a list and put it somewhere prominent where you will frequently be reminded of what you wish to manifest.

I'm also very drawn to tree wisdom, and spending time in woods this week. The tree kingdom is aware of our human struggles, and although we rarely ask for their help, they always offer it to us. Most of us take trees for granted as though they were items of street furniture or inanimate objects, but they are living and wise observers of humankind.

Trees bring a calming and grounding energy, and will often be happy to communicate or exchange energy with us. Trees should be respected and you must ask their permission if you want to interact with them.

This week we are also reminded that we must stop censoring ourselves or behaving as we think we "should" to "fit in" or spare others inconvenience. Authenticity is a strong theme this week, and we must walk our talk and show ourselves as a light in the darkness to others who will be inspired by our example.

The new energy we are moving into requires us to be honest with ourselves and with other people, and editing or changing ourselves because we think we are supposed to will not have a place in the years and centuries to come.

Energetically we are beginning an important 20 year cycle which will decide the future of our world and our species. We must stand up for what we believe to be right and true, even if that is difficult, makes us feel uncomfortable or makes us less popular. Your authentic self demands that you stand in your true light and start this period of time as you mean to continue.

This week's angel message comes from card number 36 of the Angel Wings Oracle, Strength:

The angels remind us that strength is needed this week, but this is not a battle of might or fists. We are not fighting a war of conquest or trying to prove that we are bigger or physically stronger to prove a point.

Force, violence and "might is right" thinking belongs in the old age of Pisces that we are leaving, and these mindsets will only stand to hold us back if we try to apply them to current events. You have the right to defend yourself, of course, but physical violence does not bring true peace - it causes resentment and stokes anger which in turn causes more violence.

True strength is needed in spades right now to get us through this difficult time in our earth's evolution.

Your higher wisdom will help you to connect to your inner strength any time you need it. The angels will also help ang guide you if you ask them to.

Call upon the angels to support you when you feel that others are at odds with you and you don't know how to find a way through. A way can always be found, and they will assist you if you ask.

You are stronger than you realise, more resilient than anyone has ever told you and you will find a way through any difficulties.

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