Universal Charging Pin for Cellphones - New EU Law Passed


Charging ports for cellphones keep on changing almost every year. Most of the android phones have almost same kind of ports even if they are from different vendors. This different and new charging ports further create issues in recycling process of old and used cellphones, creating more global waste.

Apple is the only company which is known for keeping things different and always going out of the way to do things differently to show off its brand name at same time. Same goes with its charging pin for cellphones.

New laws have been passed in European Union to regular laws in this domain. Apple has initially agreed to adopt common design for charging port.


The most latest type of port currently introduced in Android phones is USB-C. There is chances Apple might fight legal battle against this motion but I personally think one common port would be in benefit of all the end users.


We do know that future is of wireless charging but it is still in development and adaptation phase.

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