What Does Teenage Sex Have To Do With Pedophilia?

The Heart Does What It Wants Rather Than What Society Expects It To Do

1. Introduction

The other day as I was surfing around on the Internet, I stumbled across a Quora forum wherein which appeared to be a 15-year-old boy wanted to, as he said, "run a fake account to catch pedophiles and report them to the proper authorities" and that he "would be doing this with a few friends." As I read further into the forum, it became obvious to me that he wasn't talking about going after creepy old men who snatched toddlers from playgrounds.

After reading the responses in this same forum, I found that this 15-year-old boy apparently didn't want older men moving in on his and his friends' territory in the form of teenage girls. For the purposes of this article, I'm going to refer to this young man as Greg.

Now, I completely get it. The ordeal concerning the late Amanda Todd was a major tragedy. However, any way you look at it, Greg is just another teenage punk on an ego trip. I cannot say much more about his friends either.

The fact that he is ill-educated on what the real definition of pedophilia is shows that he has probably never even researched it before in his life. He probably doesn't even care what it is, because he knows that he'll never get sued for defamation of character after wrongfully labeling someone a pedophile who truly isn't one while he is still a minor. This is what I mean by mendacious pedo-shaming.

When an adult man has a non-Platonic interest in an adolescent girl, his thoughts or even urges have no relationship with the depravities of a real child molester who victimizes small children under the age of eleven. Dunces like Greg simply believe that if something is taboo in our society, then it has to be evil and twisted.

Well, adult men are not the cause of all teenage girls' problems despite what Greg and his friends may think. However, the very fact that boys his age want to persecute any adult man who even remotely exhibits any kind of non-Platonic interest in girls his age only goes to show you how critical thinking among American teenage boys like him has deteriorated to subintellectual levels.

So much for our public education system here in the United States of America. Greg is a good example of the 14 percent illiteracy rate in our nation that renders punks like him incapable of differentiating between real pedophilia and fake pedophilia. In any event, this issue goes way beyond their collective ignorance.

2. Teenage Boys Simply Love Fake Pedophilia

Teenage boys who do not yet vote in elections get a great amount of pleasure out of humiliating and belittling adult men. I was even able to pick up on this reprehensible behavior when I was a teenage boy myself. Fake pedophilia is like a stick of dynamite in their hands.

Nevertheless, before Greg thinks about pursuing a mission as the next Chris Hansen, he ought to think about how boys his age need to clean up their own doorstep. I read in an FBI publication that it is underage boys rather than adult men who commit the most serious sex crimes against pubescent and adolescent girls, ages 12 to 17 years old.

That's right. These teenage boys have the most access to these middle-school and high-school girls and the most opportunities to zero in on them whenever they want to sexually prey upon them. Adult men are not to blame for all of teenage girls' problems.

Also, before Greg or any other 15-year-old boy reading my article here preaches to adult men to find women their own age to romance, they need to consider the fact that many boys their age rape adult women significantly older than them every year. My article titled "Can Children Sexually Victimize Adults?" lays all the facts of it on the table.

So, Greg, you don't like adult men showing any kind of non-Platonic attention to girls your age, but you have nothing to say about boys your age who rape adult women? How hypocritical of you.

Also, Greg, were you aware that nations that have low statutory ages of consent also have lower teenage pregnancy rates than that of the United States of America? Why? Because boys your age actually have to respect your female peers in countries where boys your age compete with adult men to win these girls over. That is, no getting a 13- or 14-year-old girl pregnant and then bailing on her or bullying her at school, which brings me to another point.

Did it ever occur to you, Greg, that the epidemic of deadbeat teenage fathers may be what is causing girls your age to run into the arms of older men here in our nation? If boys your age are ruining the lives of middle-school and high-school girls by turning them into single mothers on welfare, how can you rightfully shame a man in his twenties or older for forming a non-Platonic relationship with a girl that young?

Greg? If you and your friends really wanted to do something constructive, you would spend your time scolding and chastising boys at your school who have gotten underage girls pregnant and have either bailed on them or have become abusive with them or both. The older man is not the problem to your concern. Boys your age are.

Of course, none of this matters to you, Greg, because you only want to be a big shot and belittle any man who fits your inaccurate definition of a pedophile merely to feed your vanity. The same applies to your friends. I knew boys like you and your friends back in middle school and high school, and they became the reasons why so many intelligent men don't bother attending their high-school reunions.

Boys like you, Greg, may have a multitude of people fooled, but I'm not one of them. It would serve you right if someday you ended up getting sued for wrongfully accusing someone of being a pedophile, and you're already well on your way to a defamation lawsuit in the not-so-distant future once you are of age and are earning a regular income.

3. Let's End The Madness

I am not a major fan of "creep catchers" or whatever you want to call them. However, if we have to put up with them, it would only behoove our elected officials to pass legislation that would put some rigid standards in place for these individuals to go parading around town as online vigilantes.

First of all, each and every individual who engages in online vigilantism of any kind should be required to obtain a private investigator's license. The minimum age to obtain one should be 21 years old. In that manner, we keep punks like Greg and his friends from stirring up needless trouble in their respective communities.

Second of all, each and every "creep catcher" and Chris-Hansen wannabe should be required by law to read an online publication titled The Paradox of Statutory Rape by Russell L. Christopher and Kathryn Hope Christopher so that they can familiarize themselves with the bigger picture regarding our nation's statutory-age-of-consent laws rather than relying completely on pedophile-panic propaganda to form their opinions as most of them do. Many of them would see the light.

Stop Well-Meaning People From Ruining Our Nation!

4. Final Thoughts

The absurdities that Chris Hansen and his "To Catch A Predator" series brought to American pop culture have evolved from being entertaining to some to being dangerous to everyone. It is one thing when a scared 13- or 14-year-old girl reaches out to the authorities for help. However, it continues to bewilder me how anyone justifies sending a man to prison for attempting to hook up with an adolescent minor online who does not even exist in real life.

Online sex-sting operations in their present form reek with entrapment, but somehow these online vigilantes manage to dig up loopholes that allow them to get around these anti-entrapment laws whenever they are on the hunt. For the most part, they are humiliating individuals who would not normally engage in the risqué behavior that they do if these online vigilantes didn't catfish them.

Anyone who disagrees with me can preach all they want, but, at the end of the day, these online sex-sting operations are causing needless poverty in our nation and are causing our penal facilities to become overcrowded and unmanageable. Teenagers are going to have sex anyhow with people inside and outside their peer groups no matter how high elected officials decide to raise the statutory age of consent in their state jurisdictions.

Social-justice warriors need to get a life and leave everyday civilians alone. Greg and his friends need to stick to their school books and stop meddling into the lives of people they know nothing about.

If you are a child advocate and you really want to do something constructive to protect the most vulnerable members of our society, why not crusade to convince elected officials to pass laws that would eliminate parental testamentary freedom instead? I think we can all agree that anyone who has suffered beatings and rapes at the hands of their parents do not deserve to live the last days of their lives homeless and destitute.

Turning our nation into a slum and a Fascist totalitarian police state can never end well for any of us. Let's do the wise thing instead of the stupid thing. We can start by putting all the Gregs of the world out of commission in terms of their desires to right so-called wrongs in their own deluded minds.

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