I'd Assassinate Dr. Richard Von Krafft-Ebing In A Heartbeat If I Had A Time Machine

Dimhou is the author of this photograph/Source:  Pixabay

1. Introduction

Every time I post an article like this here on my Hive channel, I have the right mind to jump into a time machine, travel back to 1885, and off Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing. If that piece of human waste had never conceptualized pedophilia, there can be no doubt that we'd be living in a better world than we are today.

I'm not posting this article in support of real pedophiles and child molesters. They are clearly moles on the butt of society. However, I am sick and tired of these men-hating pseudo-feminists shooting their mouths off about how every man who doesn't fit the mold of Tony Danza is a pedophile. I hate Tony Danza for setting the stage for this same school of thought.

Yet another semi-illiterate pedophile-panic fanatic in the form of a men-hating pseudo-feminist has taken her narrative way too far. She insists that all men are pedophiles. And to think that there was nobody worse than Shanley Kane in this respect. This femi-Nazi specie makes Shanley Kane look like a male chauvinist sympathizer.

The Blond-Haired Harpy Woman Denounces All Men To Be Diaper Snipers

Now notice that not even once does anyone mention the victimization of a pre-pubescent child under the age of 11 throughout the video. The blond-haired harpy woman in the video brings up the topic of the late Jeffrey Epstein. Okay. I agree that Mr. Epstein was a tyrant, and his significant other - Ghislaine Maxwell - was no angel in wings. However, the youngest girl that resided as a sex servant on Little Saint James Island during Mr. Epstein's reign there was 14 years old.

The Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5") specifies that a pedophile is an adolescent or adult 16 years of age or older who is sexually attracted to a pre-pubescent child under the age of 13 who is at least five years their junior. It is also noted therein that if an 11-year-old or a 12-year-old is in Tanner Stage 2 or higher, then that individual can no longer be a prospective victim of pedophilia.

Has the above-aforementioned blond-haired harpy woman ever picked up a DSM-5 and read it? I think the bigger question I need to be asking is whether she has ever read any book at all? If she believes that every man over 21 years old who has ever fallen in love with a teenage girl younger than 18 is a pedophile, then she's the one who is in dire need of professional help rather than the men that she accuses of being pedophiles.

To make a long story short, the host of that podcast, Brian, kicked this blond-haired harpy woman off his show. She deserved all the degradation and humiliation he could throw her way.

2. Perhaps It's Time To Let These Femi-Nazis Learn The Hard Way

Whenever I hear or read about a story of an adult woman getting raped by an underage boy and then being wrongfully accused of statutory rape and branded a pedophile, I feel sorry for these women. However, I'm beginning to have second thoughts about it.

Men-hating pseudo-feminists and female pedophile-panic fanatics are mainly the troublemakers who encourage elected officials to raise the statutory ages of consent in their respective jurisdictions to ridiculously high ages throughout the United States of America. Therefore, whenever one of them falls victim to a violent sexual assault at the hands of a boy or boys below the statutory age of consent and then she is falsely accused of statutory rape and wrongfully labeled as a pedophile and a child molester, why should I even feel sorry for her?

These harpy women wanted tougher statutory-rape laws and the likes in our nation. Now they can have them and feel the full wrath of them whenever a gang of underage boys overpower them.

I know that I sound cruel in the way I word my article, but I am fed up with these witches. I'm at the point where I don't even think I would ever vote for a female president for my nation. Not to say that there are not women who would make a good president to the United States. The problem is that most women who run for president are not anyone I would want in the Oval Office.

Now, unless you live in Canada, I am not applying what I state herein to those of you living outside the United States. I realize that the statutory-rape laws in your respective nations could not be anywhere nearly as ridiculous as the ones on the law books here in the United States. Therefore, why anyone would want to immigrate to the United States is beyond my comprehension.

If any of you men-hating pseudo-feminists out there are reading this article here of mine, don't give me any garbage about how it would never be possible for a 13- or 14-year-old boy to rape an adult. The proof is in the pudding. If you ever have to go through that experience, you will be glad that Dr. Ray Blanchard didn't get his own way about conflating with pedophilia with hebephilia.

3. Final Thoughts

Elon Musk was once sued for falsely accusing someone of being a pedophile. Perhaps people need to get more active in the civil courts in filing defamation-of-character lawsuits against individuals like the above-described blond-haired harpy woman for making such false accusations. Perhaps dummies like her would be more careful about whom they accuse of being a pedophile.

There is a world of a difference between a 25-year-old man who falls in love with a 15-year-old girl and a 67-year-old man who sexually molests a 7-year-old girl. If that blond-haired harpy woman cannot distinguish between the two, then she is the one who needs to have her head examined.

The video above brings to mind this one British film I saw so many years ago in which this one man who felt that women were trying to annihilate men was driving a group of people out in the middle of nowhere. When a feminist opened up her vest and revealed a shirt that read "All Men Are Rapist," this man threw her out of the car in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps that is what that blond-haired harpy woman in the video above needs to happen to her.

Now, don't get me wrong. I do differentiate between true feminists and pseudo-feminists as described in Jason B Truth's article titled "True Feminists vs. Pseudo-Feminists."

Also, I would never wish anyone to get raped. However, if these men-hating pseudo-feminists and pedophile-panic fanatics are so dead set on toughening the statutory-age-of-consent laws everywhere they can, they really have no right to complain whenever their efforts backfire on them in the way I described above.

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