Exposing The "Chomo" Hypocrisy Occurring Behind Bars

Jraffin is the author of this picture/Source:  Pixabay

Okay. I realize that I have promised my followers that I would post a controversial article here on this writing platform once again. I admit that I have made this promise again and again, and I have yet to deliver on it. I also know that it has been at least 4 months since I posted anything here on this platform.

I've been posting mostly articles about my experiences with HubPages, and I keep stating that I will be posting a controversial article. Well, ladies and gentlemen? Today is the day. Here is that article that I have been promising to post.

Not too long ago I was surfing on YouTube and came across a story about a 22-year-old man named Tyler Thompson who was arrested back in 2021 for having sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl in a motel room in Volusia County, Florida. If you want the full story about it, you can read all about it in Jason B Truth's article titled "American Society Treats Teenage Mothers Disgracefully."

Yes, I get it. Mr. Thompson was living in the most punitive state for sexual offenses involving minors in the land of milk and honey. He did not make the wisest choice in taking that underage girl someplace to engage in sexual intercourse with her. Nonetheless, I still do not believe that he should have gotten sentenced to 40 years in prison. I've known of people to do much worse things than he did and still get a slap on the wrist. This man undoubtedly got hit with trumped-charges.

Upon reading the comments section for this one video by YouTuber Donut Operator regarding Mr. Thompson, I found a whole host of haters having their usual love fest over Mr. Thompson's conviction and 40-year sentence. I could not believe the amount of ignorance and stupidity I encountered therein. And this is no disrespect to YouTuber Donut Operator, because I realize that he is only trying to make a living the best way he can as a content creator and an influencer. Anyhow, it seemed to me as though every semi-illiterate and borderline illiterate took full advantage of the news release and mendaciously pedo-shamed Mr. Thompson.

I'm not trying to make Mr. Thompson out to be a poster child for good behavior. I understand that he was flirting with danger when he took that young girl to a motel room to have sexual intercourse with her. However, to the best of my knowledge, this man has never been diagnosed with pedophilia.

Pedophilia has absolutely nothing to do with teenage sex, unless, of course, we're describing a 16- or 17-year-old juvenile sexually molesting a prepubescent child. The fact that the United States of America currently has an illiteracy rate of 14 percent explains why Americans are repeatedly misdefining clinical terms like "pedophile" and "pedophilia" in the manner described above.

In this same comments section of the above-aforementioned video, this one dunce that goes by the user name of chaorrottai stated:

More of this please and thank you. I still remember when I was in highschool and one of my friend met a pedophile online and he actually came to my hometown to mess around with her. She was 15-16 and he was in his mid-late 20s.

We got her away from him by continously point out how much of a joke and a loser he was, but got damn.... Also it didn't occur to any of us at that point that one of us was being predated on, we just hated the guy and viscerally wanted him to leave.

He even showed up at my highschool and had the nerve to walk in the front doors.

Duhhh! If the man was in his mid-to-late twenties and was attracted to a 15- or 16-year-old girl, then he would not qualify to be a pedophile. According to the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5"), a pedophile is defined as anyone 16 years of age or older who is sexually attracted to a prepubescent child 5 or more years their junior.

I would hardly say that this woman's then-teenage friend would have attracted a child molester who goes hanging out in playgrounds looking to kidnap toddlers. Most 15- and 16-year-old girls are even full-figured women.

Every time I read a comment like that of chaorrottai in the comments section of any YouTube video or article that has to do with juvenile-justice-related topics, I feel like taking a big bucket of human feces and throwing it on the grave of Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing. In case you don't know who he is, he was the Austrian psychiatrist who first conceptualized pedophilia back in 1886. If this dufus had never been born, the world would probably have been a better place than it is.

Dr. von Krafft-Ebing apparently had dollar signs in his eyes when he conceptualized pedophilia, and he had to have known that social-justice warriors and self-proclaimed child advocates were going to weaponize it for the wrong purposes. Quite frankly, I am not a major fan of mental-health professionals.

In any event, in the above-described comments section, all of these self-proclaimed child advocates and social-justice warriors made Mr. Thompson's teenage sex partner out to look like a victim of a brutally savage rape despite that she was more than willing to engage in sexual relations with this man. Most of them tried to make older men seem like the cause of all teenage girls' problems, when fact has it that you are constantly hearing about teenage boys committing the most unspeakable crimes against adolescent girls as young as 12 years old. These boys have the most access to these underage girls, because they go to school with them.

In Florida, the perpetrator who murdered 13-year-old Tristyn Bailey was a then-14-year-old boy named Aiden Fucci. In Loudon County, Virginia, a 15-year-old boy wore a skirt so that he could gain legal access to the girls' restroom at two different schools he attended, and he raped two different 14-year-old girls.

If I were to accuse Aiden Fucci or that nameless 15-year-old boy of being child predators, all the self-righteous do-gooders out there would accuse me of being politically incorrect. In their eyes, the prodigal and proverbial "dirty old man" is always to blame for teenage girls' problems.

I understand that this young girl complained about a stomach ache when the investigating officer first entered the motel room and she went running into his arms. However, who is not to say that she would have experienced the same stomach ache and emotions if Mr. Thompson had been a boy the same age as her?

There are self-appointed pedo-experts who are stupid enough to believe that if this girl had been caught having sexual intercourse with a 13- or 14-year-old boy, she would have had stars in her eyes and her face would have been glowing insofar as she would have been levitating on the clouds. Not necessarily so. If she were going to have a bad sexual experience with a man 9 years her senior, then she would likely have had a negative sexual experience with a boy her own age. Then again, how does anyone know that she had a bad sexual experience at all?

In the above-aforementioned comments section, some of these self-righteous do-gooders rambled on about how they believed that the 13-year-old girl was going to suffer from emotional scars in years to come. Really? Samantha Gailey-Geimer once stated on camera that it was the press and the media that traumatized her rather than the sex with Roman Polanski itself back when she was 13 years old.

When Melanie Griffith was 13 years old, she moved in with Don Johnson, who was 22 years old at the time, to shack up with him; and her head didn't fall off. She eventually married him. If Antonio Banderas had stayed out of the picture, Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson would still have been happily married to this very day. Zola Taylor was 22 years old when she was sneaking around with Frankie Lymon, when he was only 13 years old at the time; and his head didn't fall off.

Self-righteous know-it-alls argued that this young girl did not have a fully developed brain because of her age. They babbled on about how a young person's brain doesn't reach full development until the age of 25. I do not buy into that garbage, because girls her age have ruled entire nations and there are 13-year-olds who are geniuses. Nobody can tell me that those youngsters have less developed brains than the average 40-year-old man or woman.

The prosecution and the arresting officer did their best to vilify Mr. Thompson and make him seem no different from the next Donald James Smith or the late John Couey when he had to stand trial. Well, let's not forget that Donald James Smith and the late John Couey were both violent, homicidal, and very evil men. Therefore, such a comparison does not do justice. Mr. Thompson is probably either nostalgic or still believes that he is a 15-year-old boy trapped in the body of a 20-something-year-old man.

I'm not trying to paint Mr. Thompson as an angel in wings, because he took a major roll of the dice with an awareness that his life could suddenly be over as he knew it and the 13-year-old girl could have ended up pregnant with his baby. However, I believe that everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt in these situations, including Mr. Thompson.

Now, I realize that adult-adolescent romantic relationships can be toxic, and I'm getting to that. However, if these kinds of relationships are accepted and condoned in other cultures and other nations, it makes no sense to demonize Mr. Thompson based merely on the math concerning the age factor. He is not a serial child rapist, and he did not brutally rape a 5-year-old girl. He had sex with a teenage girl who happened to be nine years younger than him, PERIOD. Teenagers are having sex these days, and not necessarily always with someone in their peer circles.

Don't try to sell me on the malarkey that most 13-year-old girls cannot consent. I am well aware that they cannot legally consent to sexual relations with an adult in the state of Florida, but fact has it that they take it upon themselves to consent to sexual relations with older partners anyway.

Legislating the acceptable age difference between a teenage girl and her partner has always been a pipedream that social-justice warriors have tried to sell the public at large. Statutory rape is nothing more than a legal construct and has no relationship to forcible rape.

What stood out the most about the accumulation of intellectually bankrupt comments in the comments section of that same above-aforementioned video was that all these self-appointed pedo-experts, self-proclaimed child advocates, and social-justice warriors kept ranting and raving about how they felt that Mr. Thompson deserved to be brutally raped in prison. They insisted that he would be branded as a chomo, which is prison slang for "child molester." They stressed that Bubba would have his way with Mr. Thompson.

Well, I have to be a purveyor of bad news to these imbeciles. Most of the pedophile-panic propaganda surrounding the chomo witch hunt in penal facilities throughout the United States is a colossal hypocrisy, because most convicts have much less of a moral compass than Mr. Thompson does.

Now, I can understand that the majority of convicts have suffered horrible childhoods; and if a convict suffered beatings and rapes at the hands of his father from the time he was 3 or 4 years old, I cannot blame him for wanting to kill an inmate who enters prison for those same crimes. However, many of these convicts started having sex at very young ages, and many of them as adults have fathered babies with girls as young as 11 years old. If you can even accuse Mr. Thompson of being a sexual predator, I can assure you that most prison rapists have done much worse things to minors than he has.

1.  Don't Take An Ex-Convict's Word For It

Ex-convicts have numerous channels all over YouTube, and I even admit that I watch some of them out of interest and find them entertaining. However, not all of these ex-convicts will be candid and straightforward with their audience about juvenile-justice-related topics. Like so many other YouTubers, they'll tell their audience what they think they want to hear.

Ex-convicts have a difficult time finding employment because of their police record once they get released from prison depending on whether or not their particular state jurisdiction offers an ex-offender program that will help them reintegrate into society. Therefore, they will sometimes do or say anything to get views on their channel regardless of how untrue they are being. At the end of the day, serving time in prison may make an individual more streetwise than before, but it does not make that person more intelligent.

Below is a YouTube video of an ex-convict who goes by the user name of TiME iN. In his video, he describes a situation that surfaced between him and an inmate who was serving time for having consensual relations with a 13-year-old girl.

YouTuber TiME iN Claims That Victims Of Chomos Can Extend Into The Teenage Years

In his above video, YouTuber TiME iN reported that a Corey Crescent (spelled phonetically) was locked up inasmuch as he had sexual relations with a 13-year-old girl. Mr. Crescent attempted to explain to YouTuber TiME iN that the young girl had misled him to believe that she was 18 years old and that she appeared to him as a full-figured woman rather than a little girl. YouTuber TiME iN admits that he did not give this man a chance to tell his side of the story before he threw him out of his cell.

I Googled Mr. Crescent's name to search for his information online, but I came up bone dry. Therefore, I don't know if he is a real person. The pictures that YouTuber TiME iN showed in his video could have been of anyone.

YouTuber TiME iN insisted that Mr. Crescent was a persona non grata in his penal facility. However, the major problem that I am having with this story is that the majority of convicts and ex-convicts grew up in neighborhoods where one's childhood ends much sooner than 18 years of age. In fact, 13 years old is not very young in the places wherein these criminals grew up. All you have to do is view the video below, and you will see what I mean.

A 14-Year-Old Girl Acts Fearless To The Sexual Advances Of Older Male Inmates

Since 1978, troubled youths have been enlisted in this program called Scared Straight where they tour an adult correctional facility to find out firsthand how dangerous these places really are and why they need to avoid them as much as possible. In the video above, a 14-year-old girl named Akira and her two half-sisters were on one of those Scared Straight prison tours; and as they were passing a cell full of adult men, these men began cat-calling them and directing sexually suggestive remarks at them in a threatening manner.

Some of these same men may have even been older than Akira's father, but they couldn't have cared less. They likely felt that society had already failed them, so they were not going to do anything to follow society's rules.

Akira asked the prison guards to let her into that cell with those men after she told those men that she was not afraid of them. Of course, the prison guards refused her request. One of the prison guards even warned Akira that some of these men have not seen a woman in four years and that they would likely attack her. It should also be noted that one of Akira's half-sisters was 13 years old and the other one was only 12 years old. In any event, that incident on its own shows you that these convicts and ex-convicts don't think of 12-, 13-, 14-, and 15-year-old girls as being children. Otherwise, they would have behaved toward Akira and her two half-sisters in a fatherly manner instead.

Regretfully back in the late 1970s, a 14-year-old boy was obligated to go on one of those Scared Straight prison tours in a Canadian prison. His experience did not end as well as Akira's did. A prison guard took him from the prison tour group and tricked him into entering a cell full of inmates who immediately gang-raped him.

Those same convicts certainly didn't think of that 14-year-old boy as being a child as they took no reluctance in sodomizing him, and they were not walking around the penal facility wearing shirts that read "Proud to be a chomo" either. Bethany Lindsay reports all the details of that ordeal in her article titled "Man raped by inmates during 'scared straight' prison tour awarded $175K from B.C."

I know that ex-convicts who read my article are likely going to give me pushback on this same topic, but facts cannot be disputed. Only opinions can. If they believe that every adult man who falls in love with a teenage girl younger than the voting age is a chomo, then they have no moral high ground themselves to mistreat anyone going into prison for a sexual offense involving an adolescent minor where there was no force or coercion.

Then again, it appears that prison in North America is much like middle school and high school. Why do I say so? Because many of us may remember that back in middle school and high school, it was super cool to have sex. However, it was not cool to get pregnant. I know what you're thinking. That makes absolutely no sense at all. Well, it doesn't make sense that convicts believe that an adult man messing around with an underage adolescent girl is cool, but it's not cool to go to prison for doing so. That school of thought appears to be universal for these inmates.

There is a discussion thread on the Internet where convicts were asked how Jared Fogle would be treated in The Big House. What really infuriated me about it is that some of the convicts stated that they hoped that Jared Fogle would run into a notorious booty warrior named Fleece Johnson. The hypocrisy of their remarks is that Fleece Johnson has probably done much worse things to teenagers than Mr. Fogle ever did, and yet people decorate Mr. Johnson as some kind of icon of American pop culture in the form of a cartoon called The Boondocks.

If I had my way, Mr. Johnson would be sitting on death row for all of his violent sex crimes against others. Also, I would much rather have Tyler Thompson living next door to me than Mr. Johnson. Mr. Thompson is less intimidating than Mr. Johnson, and at least I know that Mr. Thompson wouldn't try to break into my residence to attack me.

Moreover, when Mr. Thompson dies, he may very well have a number of people mourning his death; whereas after Mr. Johnson dies, over a thousand people will be standing in line to spit on his corpse. Mr. Johnson is incapable of being a decent human being, because he never was one.

British citizens are taking notice of the hypocrisy of barbarism of prison violence in their nation and how it is harming their society. They need to send some of that awareness our way here in the United States.

Americans need to stop seeing this issue in black and white and realize that there are shades of gray with it. What I find so disturbing is that self-appointed pedo-experts, self-proclaimed child advocates, and social-justice warriors simply love and even idolize prison rapists insofar as they worship them like gods, and that fact shows you what American society has been reduced to and has become.

2.  Stop Demonizing All Adult-Adolescent Romantic Relationships

All throughout the American culture, you can find numerous examples of double standards concerning the sex laws in every state jurisdiction. I am not mindless that there are adult-adolescent relationships that can and do become toxic. If teenage boys can harm underage adolescent girls, then adult men are equally as capable of doing so.

Nevertheless, allow me to take two different scenarios in which a high-school girl formed a romantic relationship with a young man seven years her senior. In the first one, the young man truly cared about her, and the criminal justice system was the bad guy. You can get the details of that scenario in the video below.

A 15-Year-Old Girl Falls In Love With A 22-Year-Old Man

The video above mentioned nothing about the 22-year-old man named Sam having had sexual intercourse with the 15-year-old narrator. Nonetheless, we must then assume that some kind of sexual contact took place if a statutory-rape case was brought against him. Luckily, he did not end up on a sex-offender registry. However, his police record could become a problem for him until he can get it removed.

Lenore Skenazy would snipe at the criminal justice system for raking Sam over the coals in the manner that that they did. However, most of us will not be able to defend the 21-year-old man described in the video below.

A 21-Year-Old Man Becomes Involved With A 14-Year-Old Girl

In the video above, Jim is a slick-but-sick kind of man who cares nothing about the young girl's future or her safety. His relationship with the 14-year-old girl is toxic in every way. Even though I am not a major fan of the statutory-age-of-consent laws here in the United States, I would not be throwing this Jim any pity parties if he were to end up behind bars.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that situations like those of both teenage girls need to be judged on a case-by-case basis, and the sex laws in our nation direly need some form of flexibility in cases in which someone like Sam in the above-aforementioned video has caused no harm in spite of his confrontation with the law. Moreover, courts need to be careful who they send to prison in the enforcement of such laws, because no two situations are alike and convicts are anything but impartial in their judgment of individuals who get convicted of such offenses.

Alexandra_Koch is the author of this picture/Source:  Pixabay

3.  My Final Thoughts

When convicts brutalize and abuse inmates who are serving time for non-violent sexual offenses involving teenage minors, they do not do so out of moral conscience or for any divine purpose. Looking at the bigger picture, it becomes apparent that they are merely looking for an excuse for violence, and they know that society and even the law will do nothing about it.

Meanwhile, the majority of convicts, mainly hardened ones, need to clean up their own doorstep. They have no moral high ground to be labeling inmates serving time for non-violent sexual offenses involving teenage minors as chomos, because then they are inadvertently calling themselves chomos inasmuch as many of them have dipped below the statutory age of consent in their jurisdiction in their hedonistic pursuits.

When self-righteous do-gooders who proclaim themselves to be child advocates condone and even encourage prison sexual violence against any adult who has an intimate tryst with a teenage minor, they are not saying very much for themselves. They are the ones who deserve to be judged instead.

I detest child molesters as much as anyone else does. However, I am not going to call someone a child molester, if their so-called victim isn't even really a child. English-language dictionaries cannot even agree with one another on what a child is. In one dictionary, it is defined as a boy or girl before puberty. In another one, it is someone below the legal age of majority. My response to that is that if two people are in love with each other and they merely so happen to be on opposite sides of the legal age line, then no child is being sexually molested so long as both parties are beyond the crayons-and-playground phase of their life.

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