Luke Chapter 6 Verse 31

This is one of my life guides: "Treat others the same way you want them to treat you." I believe this has caused me more trouble than any of my guidelines. a1drjohnthumb.JPG

I don't want anyone to sell me something based on their need to make a profit.

I don't want anyone to jump the hoop to please me.

I don't want others to change to satisfy my plans and goals.

This gets confusing when others expect me to behave contrary to this principle. Life does not reciprocate. People often sell me things with only their self interest in mind. People expect me to jump the hoop for them. People expect me to change just because they desire it.

The point is, this concept results in stress only to the person who follows it. I guess teachers forgot to disclose everything when they taught me.

I grew up thinking following scripture would lead to prosperity and peace. In modern society, this scripture leads to poverty and pain.

So, I am faced with a decision. When others do not treat me as I would like to be treated should I abandon grace and live law? The law expected an eye for an eye.

Today I am tempted to practice the law. The problem is I do not want justice.

Here is today's beauty.


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