“De-Construction Before Reconstruction - 2”

”…Having unlawfully converted and subverted the proper functioning of Government from Public Law to Public Policy, having deliberately misrepresented and hidden the conversion of our Courts into Admiralty Courts, having misrepresented the circumstance to the Court Officers, having misrepresented us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and having misrepresented us as ‘Surety and Debtor’ for their unlimited spending, the members of the British Territorial United States Congress acting as a Board of Directors for the USA, Inc. in its various iterations, have used these devices to pillage and plunder the innocent population of our country, to illegally and unlawfully confiscate property belonging to our States and our people, and to illegally and unlawfully impose a foreign form of law upon us --- all under color of law and conditions of non-disclosure.”

from the article titled: “De-construction Before Reconstruction - 2”

by: Anna Von Reitz
The United States of America (federation) unincorporated

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