Freeman Raymond Stclair interviewed by police(use of strawman in a legal situation)

Raymond of the family Stclair, a freeman, was an interested 3rd party witness to events which took place at the swan inn, fittleworth, West Sussex on the evening of 9th April 2009. The manager of the pub filed an allegation with the West Sussex police that Raymond Stclair had “made off without payment,” this of course was untrue as attested to by THREE independent witnesses indicting that the manager of the swan inn, one Christopher Paul Warniner, May have lied to the police. Initially West Sussex police wanted to arrest Raymond solely for the purpose of interviewing him in relation to the events of that evening. They also stated that should Raymond not submit to thier statutes in relation to agreeing to interview then an arrest would follow and DNA, fingerprints and photographs would be taken from him by FORCE! Subsequently, and after a ten page letter to Sussex Police LTD detailing the consequences of unlawful arrest and detention they agreed to visit Raymond at his home to discuss the matter. What follows is the video recording of that discussion showing how Raymond Stclair exercised his natural and common law rights and how he refused at all times to contract with Sussex Police LTD. It must be stressed that the policeman in this video(PC Price) acted at all times with great integrity and conducted himself as what we would consider to be a “proper” policeman. This video is in no way a negative reflection on PC Price, who acquitted himself professionally throughout, rather it is a positive affirmation of PC Price’s understanding and execution of his role as constable. In fact we felt for PC Price that he was, due to his corporate paymasters left no choice but to write down every word spoken when in reality we feel he would rather been out catching real criminals(just our opinion)

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