Fotografi Street


Currently the photographer community as well as have a hoby photographed prefer street photography because it is considered more flexible. Not only that! No need to take advantage of special lighting settings, let alone a super-sophisticated camera, because street photography does not need complicated preparation. If another genre requires expensive cameras with good lenses, street photography requires only the photographer's sensitivity in targeting the right moment that begins with Ide, theknik, instinct as fast as the eye in life so that people can be made the main subject of the photo in pairs with nature and objects around and always synonymous with the pulse of life and various activities

Bahasa Indonesia. Saat ini para komutias fotografer maupun memiliki hoby memotret lebih memilih street photography karena dinilai lebih fleksibel. Bukan hanya itu! Nggak perlu memanfaatkan setting lighting khusus, apalagi kamera supercanggih, karena street photography nggak perlu persiapan yang ribet. Kalau genre lain membutuhkan kamera mahal dengan lensa yang bagus, street photography cuma memerlukan kepekaan fotografer dalam membidik momen yang tepat yang diawali dengan Ide, theknik sebagai naluri cepat sejauh mata memandang dalam kehidupan sehingga masyarakat dapat di jadikan subjek utama foto berpasangan dengan alam maupun benda disekelilingnya dan selalu identik dengan nadi kehidupan dan berbagai aktivitas

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