HML/A-269 “Gunrunners” attack helicopter squadron personnel vehicle found in parking lot near Mandalay Bay, 3 black attack helicopters spotted overflying Route 91 venue

Does last year’s 1 October attack have anything to do with the “Gunrunners” Attack Helicopter Squadron?

If you are an avid Intellihub reader you may already know that three black helicopters were lurking behind the Mandalay Bay before, during, and after last year’s 1 October massacre.

The three unmarked aircraft were captured on video where they appear to have remained aloft during the entire 10-minute massacre, maneuvering well below the roof-lines of both Mandalay Bay and the Delano Hotel.

In the footage, all three choppers can be seen taking different respective positions in the sky were they remained invisible to radar throughout the attack.

All three of the aircraft were operating without displaying any visible running lights or transponder signals which is a major violation of strict Federal Aviation Administration rules and regulations for the encompassing Class B airspace.

Interestingly enough, while conducting the first leg of my 6-week on-the-ground investigation on Saturday, I happened to witness three flat black unmarked helicopters overfly the Route 91 venue which I am currently tracking for further investigation.

Here is a photograph of one of the three choppers I spotted as they overflew the Excalibur and headed west along Tropicana Blvd at a fairly low altitude around 8:58 a.m.

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