Suppression is like a Beach Ball under Water.


Explosive Change is a result of the pressure controls being forced to counter balance the input in and as output release.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the 'gravity/buoyancy' of my internal/external pressure controls as being correlated with my sense of well being..and that the experience of myself from moment to moment as symbiotic relationship - the good, the bad, the ugly...Keeps myself Here as Creation in a way that is Working - processing CHANGE in and as the Moment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the harm I cause myself and so to others, within being absent minded of my suppression(s)/reactions as the inner experience(s) of myself here.

I realize, understand and know that our mind and body are intrinsically connected within and as Our Beigness/Spirit Here.

I realize my mind is like software.
I realize my body is like hardware.
I realize my being is like worldclassplayer.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get addicted to the experience of pushing the boundaries of pressure controls upon myself....I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding my relationship(s) with PAIN and STRAIN within Myself...and how these unacknowledged pains and strains have been a sort of wrestling within myself that i've allowd to tolerate for far too long. Till here no further.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to suppress and censor my pain and strain in hopes that if I simply ignore it, it will go away and alll will be better.

I forgive myself foraccepting and allowing myself for abdicating my best abilities to take immediate action in tending to my best ability to care for my best well being and so to the best well being of my friends and family.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for holding onto Burden as a form of justified thugging onto myself where I make sense of punishing myself for the pain/strain that I experience within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think that the Healing process is simply both a 'distraction and a waiting in line experience'.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself fornot realizing and understanding how i've allowed myself to stagnate to a certain extent within and as my capacity here as a Creative Spirit....not realizing and understanding the extent to which I've allowed myself to wrestle/fight with myself based on the experiences that I have.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for inadvertently creating a sort of physical addiction to that I've been facing my suppression in that I wish for Ease in Agreements that are absent of Conflict...and I realize I cannot judge the conflicts that exist...I can simply do my best be amicable within myself and so to with others as creating direction in and as best conflict resolutions.

I realize, understand and know that much of the conflict of the world that I react to in any way...reflects a point of tenstion/attention/comnflict within and as myself that hasn't been fully processed/digested/changed...I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for accepting conflicts to exist longer than need be.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to suppress my capacity for conflict/dispute resolutions. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to tolerate conflict in myself.

I realize, understand and know...that CHANGE ITSELF is an an Experience that is rooted in and as our HEART HERE and that when we've suppressed a part/piece of our HEART it's like Warming UP a part of Ourselves that is Cold....and Or like It's like taking the PLUNGE...a Leap of FAITH in JUMPING into the Water of Life and embracing the all encompassing feels of Life's Waters.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for taking for granted my friends and family to such an extent that I experienced burden within and as their presence....I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself foprnot realizing and understanding how my family and friends have mirrored to me my own accepted and allowed Burdens....initially unconscious.....hence the reaction and suppression in terms of missing the point of response-ability in SEEING the point and Making SWIFT Immediate CHANGE.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to Judge myself for the amount of TIME it Takes to sort things out within myself and so to my World.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how in so many ways, it is far more fun and easy to work things out with friends and family in a "keep it simple stupid" kind of way....and that to "go it alone" is to miss the Supreme Value and Reasons for Living as Sharing Life with Family and Friends to Support and Celebrate the Children of the Future Here.

I realize, understand and know that it is far more Fun to PLAY ALONG than it is to Whine and Complain.

I forgive myself froaccepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how I became my own biggest silent critic of sorts....burdening myself with inner whining and complaining...not realizing nor understand the extent of my suppression(s) which have been like unwinding a ball of yarn that is mixed with a bunch of other balls of yarn. Funny in a our mind,body,being relationship as our cells here with each always all ways RELATIVE Familiarity as what we ACCEPT and ALLOW for Ourselves Here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding How I've played games of 'hide and seek' with myself as a means of entertainment and a coping mechanism for the stress/strain/pain I've experienced within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding my individual relationship with pain/strain/stress as an intrinsically personal point of self-responsibility in Caring for Myself and so the World as an extension and reflection of myself Here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding the severity in sensitivity to Pain Itself Here....and that Life isn't about Hiding from our Pains or trying to avoid our's about EXPANSION and Transforming our 'growing pains' into profound new GAINS as what it means to live as CREATIVE CHANGE.

I realize, understand and know,

Writing is an Amazing TOOL and PRACTICE as a means of getting to the roots of our pains/strains/stress to assist and support ourselves with re-rooting ourselves to a more substantial depth of rest and relax. It's interesting in a RE LIFE....Life is Comedic Relief in a the Ha monet is a aHA...and it's the point for me in creating STRUCTURE for myself in being able to FLY with the ups and downs of pressure controls and manage my best internal/external pressure controls as what it means to me, to live as a responsible human being.

It's interesting, I am grateful for all my experiences, the good, the bad and the ugly...

I am realizing that YES Creativity is born wihtin and as Limitations....Buuuuuut sometimes it's necessary to push the boundaries of Limitation to expand creative abilities. Heart of Natural a fine tuning self-corrective process in and of itself...

The Best just gets Better.

I am in support and favor of Writing/Sharing my Guts as a way to expand in my capacity to express myself as my experiment/investigation into and as the question:

what does it really mean to be a responsible human being?!

THIS writing here today has been inspired by the following posting:

Nowhere? Oh Here!

To be Continued.

FUN FACT ---> if i could only pick 1 it would be:
As far as active engagement in the community...mentioning HEX in posting is a small nominal effor that maybe supports somebody to investigate for themselves and to keep what's good. I think the design of Hex is better than good. I think the community of people in support and assistance of Hex is better than Good. #Grateful for so many supportive intelligent beings sharing coolness.

Thank You Everybody.
A Day is a Lifetime.

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