Hello , here is my Intro Post

Hi there Peoples! I am just joining tribes left and right because it's really too hot outside to do much else. I've been on Steemit for not even 2 1/2 years but it feels like a million because of all the changes and innovations. It also feels like a million years because of all the maneuvering for having a niche. Lucky for me not having a niche is a niche. I read a lot of stuff about Lasse being into Flat Earth and we get into fights. I think the Earth is not flat but an Oblate Spheroid. That's my belief but others are free to believe that it's a dome on the back of a giant cosmic turtle if they feel inclined.

Are male athletes who are called old at 28 and left with lifetime brain trauma also objectified for marketing? You decide...giphy

I was in Steemspeak and much conversations were taking place about his "Angels Program". I countered this by saying I'm looking for only athletes of any gender to promote my maybe upcoming token and that they had to be real athletes and between the ages of 22-25. After the age of 25 everyone starts to slowly age and I don't want that. Now I'm a body shamer and ageist. Please forgive me ;) Anyways, I joined this and am saying hello so .....hello. I like this tribe stuff so far, it's pretty cool.

In a world full of Devils ..... be an Angel! giphy

Angels or Demons?...YOU DECIDE

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