I love you husband


hi friends, I want to tell a very heart-wrenching story. where a life path written by a wife in a laptop, hopefully this story becomes a lesson for us all.
that day .. me with her committed to keep our love.I am the happiest woman ... our marriage is simple but quite festive ... he became a very romantic man at that time.I am grateful to marry a man who is pious, smart , handsome and well established too. when we dating he has been successful in his career, we will be honey in the holy land of his promise when we were dating first .. and after marrying I invited him umroh to the holy earth of makkah. feel very happy with him, and he also very spoil me. many people who say we are a very matching couple .....
five years passed we became husband and wife, it was not felt time so fast, although we only live alone because until now I have not been able to give it a little angel (baby) in the middle of harmony of our household.
because he's the only one boy in his family, so I have to try to get the successor generations for him .... Alhamdulillah then my husband support me to keep his meripan ....
when his family began to fret, from the beginning to marry his mother and sister did not really like me. I often get rough treatment from them. but I tried to cover up from my husband ....
In front of my husband they apply very well to me .....
Once upon a time, one year of our marriage, my husband had an accident, his car was destroyed Alhamdulillah he survived the death that almost made me a widow. He was hospitalized when he was unconscious after the accident, I always accompanied him day and night as I read verse of Holy verses Al-Qur'an.aku always berusa take care of my husband who is sick even though I have to back and forth sari house hospital.
But when I went back to the hospital after I got home, I saw inside my room there was my mother, sister and my husband's friend, and at that moment..I saw there was a woman who was very close to chat with my mother-in-law. They laughed entertaining my husband.
Alhamdulilah my husband was aware, I cried seeing him already aware, but I should not be sad in front of him. I open the closed door while I say, "Assalamu'alaikum" and they answered my greetings, I stayed for a while at the door and they all look at me. My husband stared at me spitefully he missed me for five days unconscious. His hand waved me to hold his hand tightly, after I approached him, I kiss my hand and say, "Assalamu'alaikum" he also replied my greeting in a soft voice.I smile can see his handsome face, then his mother talk to me ...
"Father introduced this Desi his friend Fikri, I remembered the story from my husband that his close friend had loved him first, the woman is Desi and he is very familiar with my husband's family, until ahirnya I met with his person as well, I immediately shook hands with him. I'm talking in the room because my husband just woke up, and I do not understand what they're planning ...
I was busy taking care of and cleaning the lula in my husband's head, it was a while I took care of my husband when my brother-in-law asked me out, he asked for the company of the cafeteria, but as soon as outside my brother-in-law said, "you better go home again anyway we keep brother here , you're not needed here "and I was immediately not allowed to meet my husband, I had a chance to argue with my sister-in-law why I should not meet with him just to ask permission to his ...
then my mother-in-law came out and overheard me and she also said the same thing, let us tell you love your husband ...
I finally got home from the hospital full of tears, since then I was not allowed to the hospital until my husband came home home. And I just can cry in my solitude, why they hate me so much, what is your servant's mistake Ya ALLAH ...
that day I cried without cause, in my mind I'm afraid to lose it, I'm afraid his love is shared with another woman. that morning at the time of cleaning our yard, my husband suddenly called me back ketaman, he just finished breakfast ...
I asked, "what are you calling me?" he said, "tomorrow I will visit my family in Sabang" I replied, "he dear I know, I have packed your goods in the travel bag and you already hold tickets instead?" yes but I will not be there long, just 3 weeks I'm there, I also have not met with my big family since we got married, and now I'll go home with my mama replied firmly ...
"why only now talk I think you are only a week there?", I asked back to him full of curiosity and a little disappointed because he just told the plan of his return it .. My heart sad with the decision but I can not show it, happy I'm spoiled by the husband who full of affection, even though he felt unfairly juda towards me.padahal I wanted to go with him to meet his big family, but I was afraid because his family did not really like me, because I was so precious to my husband's eyes .. then I decided that he just go, anyway with none of my presence would make them happy and I also do not want to make this family rousing. night before he left for the birth of it, this heart feels mumbled as if he will not come back ..
because we are always together wherever he goes. The next day he did not tell me, this heart began to calm down, but I have to believe in him, he must immediately call me ...
when we were far apart, our communication deteriorated, one day I felt bad that I felt frightened as well as consultation of the doctor, because my uterus was very painful like being wrapped by rope, until I got bleeding and directly inserted into ICU, luckily there was my sister who happened to him there in my house, actually i miss you my husband, i want you to be here in this moment ...
The doctor sentenced me to a 3rd stage cervical cancer cank, I feel this life is no use anymore, what can I be proud again, I surrender Ya ALLAH ...
My in-laws will be more angry at me, my poor husband apologize for you can not get offspring from my womb, I miss you, I want to hug you my husband, I always hope you come home soon, I want to tell but I'm afraid, because during there he always gets angry when he calls me, so I'm not ready to tell you my husband, I'll wait until he comes home, I do not want to worry him while he's at sabang ...

it did not feel like my husband's three weeks in Sabang, when I was looking at our wedding photos, suddenly there was an incoming sms from my husband, he told me that he had bought tickets to go home, I am very happy because my husband will be home soon .. the next day my bell rang, I immediately opened the door for him and I lifted all his luggage from sabang, and I opened his shoes and then washed his feet before entering the house, I'm afraid there is a devil that i ...
after that I immediately kissed his hand, but what was his reaction he went straight into the back and directly sleep, without asking anything to me, I feel there is something strange with my husband, that morning I heard the sound of his car and I saw from our room balcony- ready to leave, then I called him but he did not hear, then I took my head scarf and I ran out without caring about the blood that spilled from my womb to chase her but she immediately left, I asked was I guilty to my husband, why he treated me like this, my hunch says there is something ..
I try to ask my in-laws, through the phone I have, why my husband changed after returning from there, he lightly replied, "you think it yourself" the phone was immediately disconnected, what is this question my heart filled with anxiety, why my husband changed after returning from his hometown, why he did not want to talk to me, the more he became a quiet person, I always in his introgation with a loud tone, my husband has changed not like I knew before ...
But I always remember how wrong a husband is, husbands' status remains over wives, that's the guidance I hold.
Two years went by my husband does not change too, I always cry every night, we are like strangers who just got acquainted. The romance that created first seemed to have vanished, about my illness I save well even though he did not ask about the drug that I drink, my happiness I do not know when this will end, I am grateful for what I am doing now because the income so as a teacher of Ngaji was bembuahkan results, so I can treat my best without asking my husband ..
One night after our dinner was over, my husband called me "yeah what is it!" I said by calling his favorite name, "Dad."
"my deer is getting ready to Sabang yes" he replied firmly, "what is it?", I replied full of astonish.Astaqfirullah.my formerly gentle husband is now turning rough he yelled at me so there is no continuation of discussion between us, he said, "you come along do not ask a lot !!" I feel very sad because my husband now I do not know anymore ...
Two years of courtship, five years of marriage and two years too he became a stranger to me, I want to rebel, but I can not, because my husband does not like a rough woman, I can only be patient with his attitude and be patient with this disease. ..
so we arrived at Sabang big family also had gathered there including his mother and his younger siblings, I do not know any event of this, my husband directly join them without invite me, suddenly aunt Lia, only he who is nice to me, who invites me to gather with them in the living room ...
and I sat beside my husband, and my husband looked down in silence, I did not dare ask anything.
suddenly his grandmother opened the conversation ...
"What is it Nek?" I replied questioningly, my grandmother replied, "you have joined our family almost 8 years, until this we have not got the offspring from you !!".
I cried as if this breath had stopped, I whispered in my heart to this I was called here to despise, or to be separated from my husband? we actually already have a suitable candidate for Fikri who can give offspring for us ..
I really could not hear it anymore, let alone see my husband began to shed tears, I wanted to hug him but I did not dare because his grandmother is still talking, his grandmother firmly asked me, "you want how? you combined or divorced?" MasyaAllah strengthen this heart, my heart is broken as if crushed to hear it, why his family behave like this against me ....
"Fis, answer!" Her mother firmly asked me to answer, I held my husband's hand, With cold and shaking hands I replied firmly ...
"Even though I did not discuss with my imam, but I can discuss with my soul, for the good and future of this family, I will welcome a new woman in this house, in other words" I am willing to honey for the happiness of my husband's family. " ..
"Whose father will be my best friend in our house later? Well?" My husband replied "he Desi"
And I immediately nenyakan when the marriage took place? What should I prepare Nek ?. "I pretended to be strong in front of that person, I must show that I can, I will leave the room, because no longer able to hold this tear dam ..
is this because my husband has been a stranger for the past two years? I go to the mirror that is in our room while asking "if I'm not pretty anymore?" I take my comb, I comb my hair every day the more my head fell bald in the middle, suddenly my husband came in, and looked at him from my makeup mirror, thanks for giving your dad a new friend for me, so I will not be sad anymore when you go later, is not he even questioned why my hair fall out
He just suggested me not to change shampoo, he did not even ask why my weight is getting lower, the indulgence that I got from him just now I can only recall, I can only count down my husband's wedding day, I take it to Allah hopefully behind this there is a hikmahnya ...
The night before my husband's marriage, I wrote this outpouring of my heart on my laptop, this morning my husband is getting married, he asked me, "Are you ready?" Yes I answered, but before I want to message with you, if later Desi is legitimately become your wife , when you bring him into this house, wash his feet as you wash my feet first, then I paused for not being able to continue these words again, Suddenly my husband replied, "then what is Mother?" I asked for the words again I wanted to believe that I heard right, because you did not call me that long ago, so he stroked my face and wiped my tears, and he said, "You are the strongest woman I met other than mother," Daddy is this will last, I miss you who was full of tenderness and affection, suddenly my stomach hurts he immediately picked me up and asked, "Are you all right?" yes I'm okay, it's just that I can not tell you now, because today is your wedding day, after the qabul grant is over, my husband immediately asks his mother to go home to Jakarta, because he wants to redeem all his mistakes to me, even on the night meried, I thought he was going to sleep in the same room with my mama, but it turns out my husband even slept in our center, I went up to him and asked, "why dad sleep here?" I can not hurt you anymore
to the next morning, I wore my uterus very sore blood spilled, with panic my husband held me and rushed to the hospital, and he hold my cold hand tightly while reminiscing, I feel very happy because in my last moment there is my husband beside who read the scripture Al-Qur'an ... I also want to apologize to my mother-in-law, even though I am not so liked with you guys, I can only apologize to all of you, because I do not want to go with a grudge, without stopping my husband always read lafaz syahdad to accompany my one ..

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