His 9-11 Truth In Your 9/11 Intel Ops

A Flavor Flav and a platform for errrybuddy.

9/11 is a lie in yo Great town.

I know I am supposed to save Israel for last but I have been Commanded to put Is-Real first.

Speaking of ‘drops’ is somebody having wolves in sheep clothing audition for team false prophet?

Greg Locke is Q now?


Tweet with video link!

So a PAST-or else claims to have photos of Oprah, Hanx, and JOEL Osteen raping children. His withholds this information to protect his temporal first life and challenges them to come with him to the judge.

Is this not-a-Book even on?

Now that Prominent and Prosperous Past-or-elses are talking about elite pedophilia and claiming to have the Goods on them, We won! AmiRight?

Did Tucker Carlson give us Truth or is Mockingbird EVERYWHERE up to their same old Babylonian tricks?

They have one trick ‘cuz some of Us still kids.

Same bat trick. Different super hero flavors.

Sean Hannity is so cool with his CIA pin, guize!

All I ever wanted from this truth movement was the Truth about 9/11.

TRUMP-et promised it before the reality TV King prince of the airwaves was Raised from a broadCAST horn to a Full Blown world leader horn.

Remember ‘Fake News’ day 1/17/18?

TRUMP-et and CIA pin wearing Sean had a dinner right before that.

‘Oh Mr. President tell me what storm…’

‘You’ll find out, Sean.’

pats head

‘Daddy will sHOw you.’

Thought - Word - inDeed and inDwell indeed!

Losing you on some of this?

Hold on to what you have, Thyatira.

All who handle the oars will abandon their ships; the mariners and all the sailors will stand on the shore. They will raise their voice and cry bitterly over you; they will sprinkle dust on their heads and roll in ashes. They will shave their heads because of you and will put on sackcloth. They will weep over you with anguish of soul and with bitter mourning. As they wail and mourn over you, they will take up a lament concerning you: “Who was ever silenced like Tyre, surrounded by the sea?”


Don’t blame MikEy.

The ancestors of old blamed EzeKEY-el.

A True Prophet discerned once told me ‘sometimes it isn’t good to your future see.’

When I was Team Fooled Things I thought that 9/11 truth was the KEY to unlock the majesty of America as I had been Brian Laundrie’d as a child to worship the United States as God.

Now I continue to Cesar Something Sayoc Something with a newly gifted FlAVOR Flav of Tongue.

Ears to Hear brings tactical advantages.

What the State told you about 9/11 was a lie.

You know it. Or your kids know it.

Sean Hannity knows it.

Trump knows it.

We The People know it.

(Fuck Joe Biden! T-Shirts available now at your New Aposotolic Reformation building churches and EVENTS.)

You want a quantum comm about 9/11?

Say ‘hiya’ to Paul and ‘his’ comm to those with ears to hear…

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie


  • ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2:9-11‬ ‭9/11 911!

One time over the head. They believe. They know scripture. This is their kingdom. We are exiles. Read them backwards. Prophecy is pattern.

The False Prophets Audition.

We do not.

I was Team Fooled and I am Team Foolish.

This is the powerful delusion.

There is no end of the truthing rainbow with a secret military intelligence operation to SAVE Humanity.

Epstein didn’t kill himself Epstein killed himself


Epstein sipping pina coladas somewhere and getting tired of winning?

Cicadas and Q preachers and Red Stringers OH MY?!

Austin is Q? Trying to talk @frankbacon outta being Q! We all Q. Gematria. I’m gonna stop now cuz I could fill the Blockchain Collision with a Beautiful Chain.

Everything else is lie and make believe. Team false prophet and especially the advance team of wolves in sheep clothing want you to bring a GUN to a SWORD fight.


The REAL 9/11 truth has been here for a long time and it is the Truth of 9-11.

So what do We need to know as exiles observing the Powerful Delusion unfold as Jesus Christ is revealed in these days EXACTLY as promised?

It’s the same old Trouble they been having for years…

God wins. Jesus won.

He is coming to claim his due reward.

Repent. Accept the Spirit. Flow.

We owe it to those under that altar.

Swords sharp, Laodicea.


We in the Valley now.


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