Looking for Excuses or Looking for Ways to Make Things Happen

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Isn’t it interesting how we can survive in a foreign language environment, as you may have have personally experienced--online or in "real life"-- without really understanding every little word or phrase?

Look at me! I’ve been in Mexico about 10 years. My Spanish has improved in the area of vocabulary, I’m sure. I came with an intermediate level of Spanish. However, from my perspective, I still have an intermediate level of Spanish and I am very aware of words and phrases I don’t fully get. If I wanted to get better I know what I need to do: take note of words and phrases I don’t understand, look them up, and intentionally use them--immediately and repeatedly. Also I would need to read more in Spanish and review a Spanish grammar book (which I actually already have at my fingertips!)

The lovely thing, though, about living in a language is that it is not necessary to get all the words! Communication is about context, body language, tone and intention.

But what if communication was just words? Maybe I should make the effort to improve my Spanish just because it will probably improve my life and afterall, I’m obsessed with my life.

What do you want? Are you looking for excuses or for ways to make things happen? Decide what you want be relentless about making it happen.

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