Cotton Candy Skies

For just about the past week, the weather here has been nothing but rain, rain, and more rain. Which I do have to admit has been kinda nice since I've been able to stay home and get a lot of work done without the distractions of going outside. However, yesterday evening after the rain broke, the sky lit up in this beautiful cotton candy like sky.

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I took it as a sign. See my fiancee and I have really been trying to take a trip out to Oregon in these coming weeks with the intent to ultimately move there within the coming year. Although, our family, well mine in particular, hasn't exactly been supportive of the idea since it would entail us moving literally across country. Some of the hesitations we've been warned about is the fact that it rains a lot in Oregon. Ironically, so to has it here for about the past week or two straight, which I've found calming and relaxing.

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Nevertheless, this sunset reminded me of the very reason why my fiancee and I want to move out Oregon in the first place. The beautiful scenery, along with the slower, natural lifestyle is really what is drawing us out to the Pacific Northwest. We live in a really big city right now, were life is constantly moving, full of stress, and not exactly a family friendly environment.

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Anyways, I know the pictures really don't do it all that much justice since all I had available at the time was my iPhone8. Although I did keep these pictures unfiltered, in order to keep the original beautiful natural colors of the sky.

I hope you enjoyed these pictures as much as I enjoyed the sunset. Hopefully in the coming weeks I'll have some more beautiful landscape photos coming from Oregon! Fingers crossed!

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