Indonesian Animals In Threat of Extinction

An animal trade chain in Indonesia, involving a large network. This network is formed from hunters at the root level, collectors, to big book buyers abroad. Particularly in East Kalimantan, large numbers of animals trafficked abroad come more from outside the region itself. Mostly, it originates from eastern Indonesia, such as Maluku and Papua.

In the second part of this paper, the team of deep-seated Mongabay-Indonesia report writers traces wildlife trade practices in East Kalimantan. A number of arrests by authorities have occurred, but given the size of the existing network, it is difficult to eradicate overall or stop this total illegal activity.

East Kalimantan, One of the Transit Point of Illegal Wildlife Trade

Eastern Indonesia does have a very diverse range of flora and fauna, since it is associated with species on the Australian continent. In addition to the unique shape and type, the fauna in the eastern part of Indonesia has its own beauty in terms of sound to shape, especially the type of aves or birds.

Such beauty, lure the profit hunters to achieve profit uniqueness of these species. East Kalimantan's current position is the crossing for the animal traders from eastern Indonesia.

This is marked by the catch of seven birds protected by the confiscated Black Heads Kasturi in various bird markets, last year by Natural Resources Conservation Center III Section of Balikpapan. The seven endemic birds of East Indonesia is the result of confiscation of various places selling birds on Jl Soekarno Hatta Km 5 Balikpapan.

According to the sellers' recognition, the birds were obtained from the crew of the vessels leaning on East Kalimantan either in Port Semayang or in other areas such as Sangata, in East Kutai or Bontang City.

"We did manage to foreclose, because we know that these birds are birds that are protected and only found in eastern Indonesia, or in the line of the Wallacea Line where the birds in the area have the sound and beauty of the feathers," said Nidiansyah Conservation Polution Conservation Area BKSDA Region III East Kalimantan.

Since these confiscated items are not originally from East Kalimantan, the Conservation Section of BKSDA Region III finds it difficult to release them, at least they must be transported back to their natural habitat.

From the data, it can be explained that East Kalimantan is a transit point for animal trade, because some ports in East Kalimantan are very vulnerable to animal trade routes.

As Nidiansyah explains, that many harbors in East Kalimantan are the places where ships to carry coal, oil and gas, are very easy to trade wildlife. "The animals that are the easiest to carry are aves or birds, so the number of coal carriers and the results of energy, provide the freedom to conduct illegal trade in wild animals," said Nidiansyah.

Some locations in East Kalimantan are potentially a transit place for animal trade, such as Balikpapan Port of Semayang, Sangata Harbor, Port of Bontang City and Port in Berau, and Nunukan or in Tarakan.

Meanwhile, for East Kalimantan itself, from the latest data, the hornbill head became an option for trading, until in 2013, as many as 48 heads of rangkong successfully thwarted for smuggled through Sepinggan airport Balikpapan. The 48 heads of hornbills are planned to be brought to Jakarta and sold for around Rp 2 million per head. "We arrested him when the airport sepinggan will know the head of the hornbill, because they feel suspicious, finally the airport security member know the coconut hornbill to the BKSDA Balikpapan," said Nidiansyah. image
Tujuh Burung asal wilayah timur Indonesia yang ditemukan di Kaltim. Foto: HENDAR

It is known that the hornbill head was sent by the citizens of Samarinda and the hornbill head was obtained from a resident in the interior of Berau. Where one hornbill head is only in the price of Rp 200 thousand to Rp 400 thousand.

From the fact that it is seen that the fauna in East Kalimantan more sought in the form of lifeless, because the need for something in the animal body. Like hornbills, as well as turtles and other animals.

Meanwhile, according to one bird trader named Ahmad, on Jl Soekarno Hatta Km 5, the endemic bird trade of East Kalimantan is very rare, besides birds chirping like Murai Batu and the like, while for rare birds very and very very difficult.

"If in East Kalimantan is very difficult, especially since we do not know which bird is scarce or that is protected. Sometimes there is a kind of Borneo peacock, we tamping it from people who take it, the birds are more carried from Sangata or Berau area, while for Balikpapan location never, "said Ahmad.

The hunting of the hornbill in the interior of East Kalimantan

Kampung Merasa located Berau District, is one of the many villages in Berau district, precisely in District Kelay. The village of about 1000 inhabitants is located on the outskirts of the Kelay River. Almost all activities of the population can not be separated from the Kelay river.

Beautiful natural landscape and forest that is still visible meeting in the area, of course, can not be separated from the wide range of animals in it. But all that can not be separated from the target of various parties to ekspolitasinya. One of the most accessible habitats in the area is the Rangkong Badak (Buceros Rhinoceros) bird.

Birds that have a red crest, since 2012 and then became the target of buyers abroad. This is said to the head of the village Feeling Effendi. "Villagers a few months ago often do hunting the hornbills, because a lot of demand and the price is quite high. Who buy people from abroad, but through pengepul, "said Effendi who met some time ago in Kampung Meresa.

When hunting hills in the village of Feeling, the price of head hornbills perkepalanya reach millions of dollars. The majority of villagers living from the hunt, looking for gaharu wood and farmers, since January 2013 have been hunting for the protected.

According to Effendi, as head of a hamlet who also followed the hunting hunt, every dawn, he and the villagers had entered the forest behind the village, he even moved with the residents along the Kelay river, to find the location where the birds are often clustered perch.

"When I heard the demand for the head of the hornbill, together with the villagers we hunted since the dawn, we have the chopsticks, some bring the assembled birds, go into the forest behind the village, even we are also looking down the river," said Effendi.

One of the houses in Kampung Merasa is full of skeletal animals. Photo: Hendar.
join xlingkungan life focus coverage: animals Indonesia in the threat of extinction (part 2 of 3 posts) by team coverage of the deep mongabay-Indonesia (themmy doaly, Peter riski, hendar & Aji wihardandi) in April 29, 2014 chain wildlife trade in Indonesia, involving a large networks. network this is formed from hunters in root level, collectors, up to airport large buyers abroad. special in Borneo East, a large number of animals traded abroad more from outside the region own. sebagianbesar, it comes from the Eastern part of Indonesia, such as Maluku and Papua. in the second part of this paper, the team authors report depth mongabay-Indonesia browse trade practices animals in Borneo East. a number of arrest made authorities, had a chance to happen, but given the magnitude of the existing network, it's hard to eradicate overall or stop the total illegal activity this. Kalimantan East, one of the point of transit wildlife trade illegal Eastern Indonesia does have Flora and fauna very diverse, as related species in the Continental Australia. in addition to form and its kind unique, fauna that is in Eastern Indonesia has the beauty of its own terms of sound to form, especially the type of Aves or bird. the beauty of the fishing hunters advantage for profit capital uniqueness of those species. position kaltim own this time is the crossing for traders animals from Eastern region Indonesia. it is characterized by the catch seven birds protected species Kasturi head black results seized in a variety of bird market, in the year ago by Hall conservation of natural resources section region III Singapore. seventh bird endemic Indonesia East of the result seized from the places sales birds in the Street Soekarno Hatta miles 5 Singapore. according to the recognition of the seller, birds the didapatkanya of the crew leaning on kaltim either in Port semayang as well as in other areas such as sangatta, on the East Kutai or bontang city. "we are successfully foreclosure, because they we know that the birds is a bird protected and there are only in Indonesia Eastern region, or in the line line wallacea where birds are in the region have sound and beauty fur," said nidiansyah Forest police conservation bksda region III kaltim. given the results confiscated this is not a native of Borneo East, sexy conservation bksda region III difficulties to detach, at least they must carry back to the original habitat. from the data can be described bring kaltim while a transit lines for wildlife trade, because some Port in the kaltim very vulnerable to trade routes animals. as described nidiansyah, that many Port in kaltim the place sandarnya ships to bring the coal, oil and gas, resulting in a very easy to do wildlife trade. "animals easiest to be brought is the type of Aves or bird, so many freighter coal and the results of energy, giving the flexibility to do the transaction wildlife trade illegally," said nidiansyah. some existing location in kaltim very potentially be transit wildlife trade, including the Port semayang Singapore, Port sangatta, Port in the city bontang and Port berau, as well as nunukan or tarakan. Meanwhile to kaltim own, from the latest data, the head rangkong be the option to in traded, until 2013 ago, a total of 48 head rangkong successfully foiled to smuggled through the airport sepinggan Singapore. 48th head rangkong the plan will be brought to Jakarta and sold by price around USD 2 million per head. "we caught at the airport sepinggan shall know head rangkong it because feel suspicious, finally the airport security member know coconut rangkong it to the party bksda region Singapore," said nidiansyah. tujuh bird origin of the Eastern region Indonesia found in kaltim. photos: hendar known to the head rangkong the sent by citizens samarinda and head rangkong the obtained from people who are in the interior of berau. where one head rangkong only in respect USD 200 thousand to USD 400 thousand. from the fact is seen that the fauna that is in kaltim more sought in the form of lifeless, because the need for something in the body of the animals. as rangkong, similarly to the turtle and other animals. Meanwhile according to one of the merchant bird named Ahmad, on the Street Soekarno Hatta miles 5, trade bird endemic kaltim very rarely, in addition to bird chirping like Murai Stone and the like, while for birds rare very and extremely difficult. "if in kaltim very difficult, Moreover, we don't know where bird of rare or protected. sometimes similar Peacock Borneo, we tamping only from people who bring, birds the more brought of region sangatta or berau, while for lokalan Singapore never," said Ahmad. hunting rangkong in the interior of Borneo East village feel that were district berau, is one of many village that is in the district berau, precisely in the district kelay. villages a population of about 1000 this soul, located on the outskirts of the River kelay. almost all the activities of the population not regardless of the River flow kelay. stretch of beautiful natural and Forest still looks meeting in the region, of course not regardless of diverse animals that exist in it. but all it's not regardless of the target of various parties to mengekspolitasinya. one of habitat very easily found in the region that bird rangkong Rhino (buceros rhinoceros). birds have jambul colored Red, since in 2012 and became the target buyers outside the country. it is say headman feel Effendi. "citizens of the village of a few months ago often do hunting hornbill that, because a lot of demand and the price is high enough. the buy people from abroad, but by collectors," said Effendi met some time ago in the village meresa. when the hunt Enggang in the village feel, the price head rangkong perkepalanya reach millions of dollars. population villages predominantly live from perburu, looking for Wood aloes and farmer that, since January 2013 and have done the hunt for protected it. according Effendi, as the head of the village of which is also been following hunting rangkong the every morning, it with the population has entered the Forest that is in the back of the village, even he moves along the population down the River kelay, to find the location where birds often groups that perched. "I time to hear the magnitude of the demand head hornbill that, together population village we do hunts since the dawn, we have that bring chopsticks, there are carrying sejata assemblies, into the Woods behind the village, even we also looking for with down the River," said Effendi. salah a home in the village was full of the skull game. photos: hendar. when met bird rangkong Rhino, the hunters directly to the action with shoot or menyumpit. birds shot, it was also directly cut his head to take, while the body abandoned in the middle of the Forest. even they hunting up days. "if it can bird, we directly cut in place, sometimes flesh we eat, head of our store, sometimes we leave for granted. we if hunting can days, can be two days even three days. once hunting can be able to three to four tail. this bird sometimes in groups and always pairs," said Effendi quietly. after back to the village, hunters the start collecting results buruannnya, then they call intermediaries buyer to take the goods. price can reach millions of dollars. hornbill had a chance to be a prima Donna in the village feel, but now is no longer. this is because the price head of the bird the drop, even just reaches rp100 thousand perkepalanya. "we currently have no longer do hunting, as the price is the fall, even just to hundreds of thousands, not in accordance with the cost we remove and risk of our responsibility when do perburan," up Effendi according Effendi, head rangkong Rhino is used as a drug and carving. usually the demand from China. "if the head rangkong already carved certainly very expensive, then there is said can also as a drug, do not know how," added Effendi. from existing data in Indonesia is home to 13 species of birds rangkong spread tropical rainforest, three of them are endemic. majority, rangkong many found in the Forest lowland Forest Hills (0 - 1000 ad ASL). in Mountain areas (> 1000 ad ASL) rangkong already rarely found. Island of Sumatra Occupy the number of the most with 9 type on one after another with Kalimantan with 8 types. However, since in 2012 ago, since the rise of the hunt happens, then the reduced the number and more rare bird famous be calah one ornament of Dayak in Borneo it. cost hold up and now rp4 million per ounce in the hands of the seller abroad. one half of the severity of the four to eight ounces. according Effendi, half and skull Enggang commonly used as raw materials carving or drugs.

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