World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17

An American writer-documentary, Edward Griffin, "The World Without Cancer," is dedicated to the story of a single discovery, whose most important hertations are vitamin B17 or laetrile, or amigdalin * - a substance that destroys cancerous cells. * Amigdalin (Lot Amygdalus) is found in the bell pepper seeds, apricot, peach, plum, cherry and other...
B17 is found in grape, apple, cherry, and apricot seeds. It is found in some legumes and in many herbs, as well as in almonds. The kernel in the apricots is not to expel it. The hard shell protects one of the finest foods. Dr. Ernst T. Crabs Jr., a biochemist from San Francisco, has raised the theory that cancer is a vitamin deficiency disease that occurs in the absence of essential ingredients in the current ration of human consumption. He identified this component as a part of the nitriloside family, which is abundant in nature in more than 1200 edible plants. In particular, this component is found in the seeds of the family Prunus Rosacea (bitter almond, apricot, thorn, cherry, peach and plum), as well as in herbs, corn, sorrel, flaxseed, apple and many other foods that are present in most foods that do not exist in the current civilized human diet. The evidence Dr.
A few centuries ago food was used for sour bread rich in vitamin B17, and now it uses unleavened white bread. Sometime grandmothers were pouring plums, grapes, apples, apricots, and other seeds into powdered jams and canned products. They did not know why it was, but the seeds of these fruits are the largest source of vitamin B17. Independent studies have shown that the Hanseatic genus in Himalayas never had cancer until it was used in the diet of a lot of mildew and apricots. When they encountered a Western diet - they began to have cancer.
A campaign against vitamin B17 was successfully launched at some time, based on the fact that it contains a "deadly" cyanide (blue acid). A significant amount of cyanide is B12, but did not remove it from the stores.

According to the Nutrition Almanac, the consumption of 5 to 30 apricot kernels per day, but in no case at a single meal, can be a great prophylactic dose.
In the 50's, Crabs proved that B17 is completely harmless to humans. Having checked the vitamin with animals, he injected megastozes with this vitamin in the vein. Even today he is alive healthy. Vitamin is harmless to body tissues due to the fact that each B17 molecule consists of a single cyanide compound, one benzoldehyde and two glucose (sugar) compounds, tightly coupled together. To make the cyanide dangerous, you need to liberate it from the molecule, which only enzyme beta-glucosidase works. Minimum dosages of this enzyme are in the body, but in cancerous tumors, it is almost 100 times higher. Hence, the cyanide is released only in cancerous areas of the body, which is destructive to cancerous cells, since benzaldehyde is also released at the same time. It's a deadly snake, but with cyanide it's 100 times stronger. The effect of these substances on cancer cells exceeds expectations. Cancer cells are dying.

We offer you excerpts from Dr. Krebs's report, read in 1989. Annual
"Cancer is a consequence of a chronic metabolic disorder that is already evident today. It is not an infectious disease caused by bacteria or viruses. It is a metabolic disorder. This is a metabolic disorder. The basis for most metabolic disorders is the imbalance of vitamins and minerals in our body. None of the metabolic diseases in human history have been overcome by anyone other than dietary factors. There have been many deaths in the past, which are now virtually unknown. For example, the scrotum destroyed thousands of people. A disease that could have destroyed the entire polar expedition or eliminated 50% of the crusaders from the army. The disease was completely overcome with vitamin C or ascorbic acid, which supplemented the diet of humans and suppressed the scrotum epidemic. You are probably well aware of the fact that Britain regained its dominance on all seas when it discovered that the addition of lemons or their juices to the seafood diet eliminates the scurvy of the entire fleet. Until the discovery of vitamin C in seafarers' diet, it often happened that three quarters of the crew were seriously ill at the end of the trip, and those who were alive, mysteriously recovered on arrival: if they were given the opportunity to consume fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.

In the past, there was also a devastating anemia, from which mortality was 99 per cent. And no medical method was able to cope with it. Until the researchers, doctors Murphy, Howl, and Mino found no cause for malnutrition. They simply told the patients "go to the meat shop, buy fresh liver and prepare them by slightly treating the surface, eat portions for three days." Patients who took the advice all recovered without exception. But despite this, these doctors were censored by the medical institutions and accused of engaging.
When a study of green liver biochemistry was performed, it was found that the factors that determined this process were vitamin B12 and folic acid. Now vitamin B12 and folic acid have become part of our diet. The same medical institutions in 1974 were alarmed by the fact that a simple nutrition factor can prevent a disease, which causes mortality similar to that of anemia. But such a scientific truth is that the seeds of the usual fruits, other than citrus, contain vitamin B17 - the main antitumour vitamin. If we consume the required amount of vitamin or pure form, or food containing it, we will protect it from the development of this disease as well as we could avoid vitamin C due to scorpion and vitamin B12 due to anemia. Another disease, metabolic by nature, is pelagra. At one time, in some parts of the world, it developed into epidemic proportions.

Sir William Osler, in the book "Medical Principles and Practice," said about pelagra: "I was in Lenoir Hospital, North Carolina, where 75 percent of people died from the disease during the winter. It was spreading like an epidemic and persuaded me that it was, of course, a virus. " But the work of the doctor's surgeon, the United States Department of Health, quickly came to light, which clearly demonstrated that the cause of the pelagra was the lack of fresh green foliage in the diet. In this way, another fatal chronic metabolic disorder was completely cured with a simple nutritional balancing factor. We have found that cancer is no exception to this rule.
Medical science has not produced yet another formulation that makes us healthier or wise, or boosts our vitality if this medicine is not available in our daily diet. When we eat inadequate food for our body, the body gets sick. If you do not get vitamin B17 with food, the best way is to use it in the form of injections. If cancer has arisen, the most important thing is to provide it with a maximum dose of vitamin B17 in a short period of time. All other medical habits are subordinate. Apart from this, there are many aids to prevent cancer, namely, blood products that stabilize blood pressure and reduce pain. In the past, B17 was found not only in fruit seeds, but also in softwood. Today, only wild fruits have B17. The fruits we use are a sad result of many years of cultivation for the sake of their external appearance and size, their flesh does not already have B17. To satisfy the body's need for this vitamin, we have to eat fruit seeds or use as a dietary supplement with tablets. The government is forbidden to regret it at this time, but we hope that this vitamin will be available soon and we will be able to prevent cancer in the same way as scurvy. We need about seven apricot seeds a day. This amount will eliminate the possibility of cancer. In almost all cases of cancer, when B17 is used at high doses, cancerous tumors decrease.

Prophylaxis begin with a small amount of seeds: 1-2 per day and increase to 7-10. Try not to use refined sugar, caffeine and top grade flour. Try to eat more unprocessed foods.

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