What actions do you recommend to keep control in difficult situation ?

This is one of the wonderful topics chosen by ladies of hive for this week contest. I will start by saying that in whatever situation you are going through, no matter how tense it might seems or look like you shouldn't let it cloud your emotion. If you wish to join the contest, you can do that through this link here.

Our emotion has a way of getting to us in such a way that will cloud our judgement or perception about the situation or moment we might find ourselves. It is also important to know that emotion can be the enemy, if you give into your emotion, your should be sure of losing yourself gradually. Therefore, you should be sure to be at one with your emotions, because the body always follows the mind.

What actions will be more effective to keep control of difficult moment

The best way to deal with difficult situations is to focus your strength on things within your control. There are situations that is beyond our power. However, instead of resigning to fate. It is better to spend time on what is more profitable and matter most that moment.

Another important point to note is to confide in someone you trust like a family member or a friend by opening up to them on the situation of things. By doing so, you are relieving yourself from pending danger or calamity that might want to consume you at that moment. I remember a time when i was in a different situations, this was a period i lost my father- in-law couple with stress of just being transferred from work to another place of work which was quite daunting and overwhelming for me. However, since i didn't have power over what happened, i had to let go and focus my energy on how I could best address the issues as they came.

Looking for a lasting solution to the issues which might seems not to be effective at first but not getting discourages is the most important factor to put into consideration. Another notable way to best handle difficult situation is not to dwell on the negativity or negative vibe that might surface during the process.

No matter how hard the situation might be one shouldn't react immediately and one shouldn't panic. You just have to give it a thought and ensure you talk it over with people you can trust.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Feel free to comment, and share your opinion on the topic.

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