Tso moriri

Tso Moriri or Lake Moriri is a lake in the Ladakhi part of the Changthang Plateau. The lake is at an altitude of 4,522 m (14,836 ft). It is the largest of the high altitude lakes entirely within India and entirely within Ladakh in this Trans-Himalayan biogeographic region. It is about 16 miles (26 km) north to south in length and two to three miles (3 to 5 km) wide. The lake has no outlet at present and the water is brackish though not very perceptible to taste.On its bank is the village Karzok which at an elevation of 4600 meters is one of the highest permanent villages in the world.6X7A8087..jpg6X7A8090.jpg6X7A8192.jpg6X7A8197.jpg

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